is Kahr catching on?


New member
I just finished reading through a few threads. Most were about suggestions for new guns, and a lot of people recommended varying Kahrs. I love my Kahr P40, and always thought Kahr overall was underrated. Have Kahr's finally cemented itself as a top-of-the-line gun manufacturer?


New member
If you search the word Kahr for all forums here, you will find dozens of posts which run the spectrum from those who have a perfectly functioning Kahr (fill in the blank) models; to those who have had (fill in the blank) models of Kahrs that would not feed three rounds without a malfunction.

I have only held one PM9 Kahr in my hand, never fired one. I find a PM9 to be small and light weight. That's all I can say from personal experience.


New member
i had a CW40 for about 2 months. Tons of problems! Sent it back to Kahr( yes i had broken it in) and they sent it back saying that they put 200 trouble free rounds through it. Well they must have been using magic ammo because it still sucked.

I am not saying i will never buy a Kahr again, but from reading other reports and peoples experiences, i think the only one that would even attract my attention is the PM9.


New member
I have not fired one so my opinion is based on what I could learn looking at it. I think kahr as a company must get all its employees in a little circle each day and smoke some seriously good pot. The gun is nice and it function follows form should perform well but not for the 800-900-1000 dollar tag. The gun is competeing against others that are as good or maybe better that cost a fraction of the price.


New member
i believe you are referring to their steel models, like the MK

The PM runs about $650 locally

and the CW series is $400


New member
I'm looking at MSRP on the Kahr site and their prices list as about 150-200 higher then that. Consider you are comparing it to a gun that is maybe even better the Kel-Tec at around $300.


New member
K40 Here

I have a K40 that I love. It is the pistol I shoot the most, although I only have 4 pistols so take that for what it is worth. I have put several hundred rounds through it and it has not had one issue. I have not fired any of the polymer framed models so I cannot comment on those.

The only thing I do not like about it is the break down. You have to pull the slide back to a point and then push the slide lock out. It can be difficult some times. Other than that, I think it is a great gun.


New member
Who pays attention to MSRP in the first place. My CW9, bght one year ago has been absolutely perfect. And so comfortable and concealable. Real world retail price locally, $409.:cool:


New member
I've been at both extremes with Kahr.

I used to own a Kahr K9. Despite a wide assortment of ammo, new mags, and two trips back to the factory, it would barely shoot through a single magazine without a failure to feed. As much as I wanted to like the gun, I finally got rid of it at a loss simply because it could not be relied upon for it's role as a CCW.

My second experience with Kahr is their Auto-Ordnance WWII repro. Except for an extractor that kept failing to retain it's tune, it has been one of the most reliable GI 1911s I've ever used. Swapping out the part with an aftermarket one from Cylinder & Slide solved that problem. I think this is more of a blame on Kahr's OEM vendor for small parts versus actual workmanship of the piece.


New member

I also have a K40 - no problems, and extremely accurate right out of the box.

Most of the problems I have read about concern the polymer frame pistols.

I have noticed that their pricing has gone up - they would probably draw in more customers if their warranty period was longer, even if just for the original owner.
I'm looking at MSRP on the Kahr site and their prices list as about 150-200 higher then that. Consider you are comparing it to a gun that is maybe even better the Kel-Tec at around $300.
HAHAHAHAHAA...that is a good one. A Kel-Tec better than a Kahr. Talk about knowing nothing about either gun. Thanks for the laugh. :)
I'm looking at MSRP on the Kahr site and their prices list as about 150-200 higher then that.
Most dealers tend to run well below MSRP.

I was an early adopter. I had an MK9 that had problems. Kahr replaced it, and the replacement worked flawlessly. Back then, they were expensive little guns, having a similar panache and audience to the Seecamps.

In recent years, their reliability has been impeccable.

I think they're worth what they cost (~$650), but it's a hard sell at that price. Introducing the CW series was a great idea. For ~$425, you get a really good little gun.


New member
I had a P9 that was problematic for about 400 rounds. Various failures to feed or extract. After that, it suddenly came right and shot reliably. Now, I don't know how reliably, because I sold it about 100 rounds after it started working right. I do know that I did have issues shooting it accurately. I don't know if it was me or the gun, as it was one of my first and I had very little handgun experience at that time.


New member
Catching on? Well ya. I have had four, one steel in .40 and except for the weight it was perfect in function. The other three are various sizes in 9mm and never had a problem with any. My dept will only allow carry of a pistol after it is approved. Approval consists of you supplying a sample gun for the SWAT team guys to play with and attempt to deconstruct!! :eek:
They tried but could not break my P9 and one guy tried to buy it from me. Kahr is now an approved carry for us. Nuff said (Actually I 'allowed" them to break it in for me they just don't know it.)

As to price I saw several at the last weekend gun show and most were under 450 and one a plastic frame .40 was well under that.

Shadi Khalil

New member
I'm looking at MSRP on the Kahr site and their prices list as about 150-200 higher then that. Consider you are comparing it to a gun that is maybe even better the Kel-Tec at around $300.

Are you confusing Kahr with Bersa?


New member
is Kahr catching on?

I wouldn't really say "is", like it is a recent occurrence. Kahr has been very popular as a top notch CCW choice for years. I have owned two, a CW9 and a PM9. I liked the CW9 so much that I sold it to help fund the purchase of my PM9, which I still have. It has the blackened stainless slide and night sights.

Both have been 100% reliable out of the box. I never had any issues at all with either of them. The only semi auto 9mm that I have ever shot that is more accurate than my PM9 is my Hk PSP. I was amazed at the accuracy out of such a small pistol.

The only issue that bothers me with the PM9 is that the left rear corner of the frame would start to wear the skin off of the metacarpal joint of my thumb. After 50-100 rounds of WWB, I had what resembled a large blister. That was easily cured by wearing a glove on my shooting hand when shooting the PM9 at the range.


New member
I received a PM40 some time ago from a deceased friend. I knew nothing about them until I received it. The sales receipt was still in the box and I was amazed at how much he had paid for this little gun. After shooting it, I noticed two things: 1. It was a little gun for such a big caliber, and 2. It put all the rounds into one jagged hole. I was quite surprised that such a small piece could perform so well accuracy wise. I have more than one gun I use for CC, but this one is my everyday gun. It is small and comfortable, especially for a .40 caliber. And it is dead on accurate within its range. And- (Knock on wood) It has never once jammed for me.

chris in va

New member
Hard to say if they're "catching on" without looking at their sales tally.

I recently bought a 'frankenstein' K9...carbon steel slide, stainless frame, NYPD trigger. Cost savings over the usual 'elite' model K9 was about $120. So far it's been perfect, with a couple niggling details.

Rear sight was loose from the factory. Gunsmith put a divot in the dovetail, stays put now. Frame edges were quite sharp and I had to use some 500 grit to round them off.

Frankly I'm quite shocked how ergonomic this thing is with my hand size. It fits better than my full size Sig 220. It measures .9" wide with my calipers. The low bore axis makes recoil more of a straight push back rather than a flip, completely different from my P11 (ouch!).

I'd like to have a CW9 at some point to replace the P11.


New member
I have a cw 9 or I should say my wife does,lost it before I even put around through it.Anyway we have about 1500 rnds through it and have not yet had our first failure and that includes the break in.Its fed several different hand loads,cheep fmj,and a few assorted hollow point defence loads.And accuracy is very good,recoil is mild.Had a 40 wish I could say the same for it.