Is it safe to carry an SKS with a Round Chambered ?

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TX Hunter

New member
I was just wondering if the Manual Safety on a type 56 SKS is reliable or prone to failure. I know keep muzzle pointed in safe direction but is it safe to have a round in the chamber on an SKS while stalking game or carrying the Rifle ?


New member
Use them but never trust them !!!

I would share with you what we teach about safeties, during our Hunter Safety Course. "Understand them, use them but never trust them."
More time is spent going over the Four, safe gun handling rules or guidelines. of which muzzle control is the most important. .... :)

If you don't want a round chambered then that is your call and not a bad idea, safety wise. .... :confused:

Be Safe !!!
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New member
There was an episode of "Myth Busters" a while back where they were addressing a myth about a SKS that had a round chambered and the car it was in was equipped with a very loud stereo and the myth goes on to state that the vibrations from the speakers caused the SKS to discharge. If you ever watched the show you will know that they go WAY overboard to try to get the myth confirmed or "busted". In this particular case they could NOT get the rifle to discharge and in the end stated that it was busted. Now granted, this is not in any way duplicating any and all that can go wrong when having a loaded gun and being careless.... but it did show that the rifle is relatively safe from accidental discharge.


New member
The only safety you need is the one between your ears, the question should be "Will a SKS discharge by itself if there is a round in the chamber" the answer to that is 99.99% no it will not discharge by itself just like any other gun......:)


New member
The SKS safety is a trigger blocking safety. It does not stop the firing pin from going forward if the rifle is slammed down muzzle 1st or bounce back if slammed on the butt stock.

Most SKS rifles have a free floating FP, though early Russian SKSs and some retrofitted with have a return spring. If hit hard enough, even these could be induced to fire with the safety engaged.


New member
To boil it all down, yes the safety is perfectly reliable. No one should be slamming a rifle around enough to make an inertial firing pin go off, if you are you don't have any business owning a gun in the first place.


New member
My personal feeling is yes the safety is reliable. Your SKS is more likely to slam fire than to have a safety failure with an accidental discharge. All that being said, if you stick to the 4 rules of gun safety you should never really need to worry about the safety being reliable.



New member
I know a thing or two about the SKS.

To boil it all down, yes the safety is perfectly reliable.

While true in a perfect world, the SKS was built in factories that were driven to produce large numbers. There is a common issue with sear engagement on the SKS.

Before you go trusting that safety during an accidental drop, google "SKS sear engagement test" and read. It should be an eye opener.

I don't have mine any more, but I did the check and found out I had negative sear engagement. There was a good chance it would fire if dropped.

I found Kivaari's Triggers online and for $60 with a one week turn around he fixed my sear engagement and reduced trigger travel and the pull to 4lbs. You ship the trigger group to him, not the rifle.

TX Hunter

New member
Thanks Guys

I apreciate the responses. The reason I was asking is because I was switching from the bolt action Mauser to the Sks Carbine for hunting Hogs with Dogs. Sometimes there is fast shooting the way we do it. We have a Hog problem here and kill ever one we can. I know some may judge this as cruel or unsporting but its just the way it is right now. I like the quick handeling and practical accuracy of my Sks and plan to use it for this reason. Again thanks


New member
The safety is just a trigger block, nothing more.

From what I've read about this gun over the past several days, I've learned that most models come with a free floating firing pin that (though a rare occurrence) can ignite a soft primer via forward inertia. The safety will do absolutely nothing to prevent this but I've also read about some company that makes a spring for the firing pin so it doesn't do this. Can't remember where I found it, I'll have to look again.


New member
The safety is just a trigger block, nothing more.

From what I've read about this gun over the past several days, I've learned that most models come with a free floating firing pin that (though a rare occurrence) can ignite a soft primer via forward inertia. The safety will do absolutely nothing to prevent this but I've also read about some company that makes a spring for the firing pin so it doesn't do this. Can't remember where I found it, I'll have to look again.

TX Hunter

New member
I did disasemble the bolt and cleaned the firing pin, it rattles now. The safety seems to hold and this rifle requires a deliberate trigger pull to fire. Its not a target rifle by any means but should be good for the work I intend to use it for. I wish it had a hammer block safety but I agree with others muzzle awareness is the best safety anyway.


New member
Mine stays loaded at the house as it pulls double duty as a HD weapon and a hunting rifle. I have never come close to a ND in my SKS. Just keep all of the safety rules in mind.


New member
I always just load one less than the magazine capacity and then push down on the last cartridge as a slowly slide the bolt forward. Only takes a second to chamber a round and until then there is no chance of an ND.


New member
The answer is MAYBE

A few years ago I tried to hunt with my since departed SKS

There are many bubba'd SKSs out there.

Improper Work done on an SKS to make the trigger lighter
Can cause a situation where the SKS might fire if bumped.

Also old, overworked SKSs may also have a problem

I used to have an SKS, and my way of checking it for this was
To point in a very safe area and see if I could bump it and cause it to

It never did

The fact is, the sks safety isnt the best design. No one would make a safety like that on a new gun.

But....... Lawyers werent in mind when it was designed

TX Hunter

New member

I noticed Your response to my question was Your first post. Thank You and welcome to the firing line. When I have carried My SKS on the ATV I did not have a Round in the Chamber. Its not a bad Idea I just use the stock Magazine and usualy dont have it full anyway. When hunting though I will probably have it chambered it makes alot of noise when You rack a Cartridge into the Chamber.
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