Is It Possible


New member
That a slightly enlarged primer pocket, and a loose primer, can cause a failure to eject in a semi auto handgun. Acting the same as a no eject due to a low powder charge. Gas pressure getting out around the primer seating?:confused:


New member
Never heard of it. Would take quite a blow by the primer to decrease the pressure that much I would think. I vote NO.
Probably the wrong sequence of events. If the primer pocket is loose, that is a high overpressure sign. Overpressure can cause the gun to resist unlocking, thus preventing ejection. I had that happen in a 1911 15 years ago, when a double-charge burst in it. The gun completely jammed and had to be hammered open.
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New member
I would say no. Cycling in recoil-operated handguns has nothing to do with gas pressure, other than to give the impulse to the slide by launching the bullet. In gas-operated weapons (Desert Eagle is the only handgun I can think of that is gas-operated), there is not enough pressure lost through a blown primer to affect cycling.

Besides, if you are blowing primers and enlarging primer pockets, you are way overloading.