Is It OK?


New member
Would shooting 00 buck through a rifled 12 ga. barrel do any damage? What kind of patten could I expect?


Staff In Memoriam
Should be "safe"... leading of lands and grooves or plastic fouling could occur...

As for pattern, I hear you can expect a doughnut pattern with little or no pellets in the intended POI due to spinning the load before exiting barrel...

I never done this and only going by what I read here and other gun sites so YMMV...



New member
what are you wanting to use it for? :confused: if its for HD and your defending yourself from 15 meters go for if thats your only option. if your just out in a feild shooting the ground then okay test away , i wouldnt shoot all to much 00 buck through it as it could cause wear on the rifling over time. so to answer your question yes you can shoot 00 buck through a rifled shotgun barrel without imidiate damage,,, it just doesnt make much sense to


New member
Shooting lead through a barrel will cause the rifling to wear out? Would like to know more about this as, I shoot 22rimfire and those are lead bullets, also my K-38 use's lead bullets. How soon do you (evilleprichaun) think I have till the rifling is gone?
Lead is too soft..

to damage steel, a much harder metal than lead.

But, buckshot pellets should deposit a lot of little bits and pieces of lead all through the lands and grooves of a rifled shotgun barrel.

Also, every buckshot pellet that comes in contact with the lands and grooves will be "deformed", i.e., no longer a perfectly round sphere. These deformed pellets will all become "flyers", and leave the normal shot pattern, probably bumping into other pellets in the pattern, deforming them, resulting in what is known as "a blown pattern".

I don't known if such a blown pattern will result in a donut hole configuration, or not. I would expect very erratic patterns, with no two the same, and lots of holes that would make for ineffective results.