Is it me or my seating die????


New member
I'm using Lee dies for 308. I made a dummy round with each bullet I'm using in same brass I'm using at 2.810. When I put the die in and it is clean I run the top down until it touches the bullet tip. Then after powder charge I load bullets and they range from 2.80 to 2.812. The 2.812 I can tweak a little and get down to size. Is it the spring I feel in Lee die that does this. I have RCBS dies and set them for 178 Amax as I don't load a lot of them. It varies on one or two by a thousand but not every one. Or is this best I can expect? I measured some factory Federal and Remington ammo in 243 and they vary by 3 thousands. Using Lyman vernier caliper and Frankford Arsenal digital caliper to double check and it still reads the same. I do prefer the Vernier caliper.


New member
Neither, it's the bullet. Like said, if you're measuring base to tip, .002 is pretty consistent.

Measure base to ogive, that's what counts anyways.


New member
I'm using Challenger press. If I had it to do over I'd have bought the Rock checker. It's working for now I guess. Wasn't sure I'd stick with this but I really enjoy reloading. I'm measuring from the tip of bullet. Could it be because all the trim lengths are off by a few thousands.


New member
Not sure I understand. Do I need to measure the bullets before seating to see if they are all the same.


New member
Not necessarily. If you measured all the rounds you have made up right now to the ogive instead of the tip, they'd more than likely all be the same measurement.

If you want consistent pressures and bullet depth in the case, then sort them first by base to ogive, since the seater seats the bullet when contacting the ogive.


New member
If you are measuring your cartridge overall length in order to fit the magazine, and you are close to the max length of the mag, you'll just have to check each one as it comes out of the press to make certain that you didn't exceed the length of the magazine.


New member
Have checked. They all fit and feed. Going to more issue in hunting season. Right now single feeding at bench. Still making sure they will feed from magazine.


New member
As stated, the differences you are seeing are differences between individual bullets, differences in tip conditions on bullets, or a combination of the two. Not a die problem ad would be the same with any die. Your press is fine too. Not saying you shouldn't buy what you want. Just saying, I own a Rock Chucker and load on my Lee's most times. God Bless


New member
You are probably correct. I didn't mention that 75% of my loads are Nosler ballistic tips and rest Sierra Game Kings. They will smudge a little on the ends when seating. The tips on the Nosler combined silver tips don't appear to have any give in the tips though.


New member
they range from 2.80 to 2.812.
That to my much inspected years of tool grinding is a .012" difference.
Something is very wrong somewhere,you cannot continue to reload ammo with
such deviations.

Metal god

New member
I load bullets and they range from 2.80 to 2.812.

I'm assuming those measurements are not correct ??? everybody keeps saying .002 is not bad and it's the bullet tip . In the quote I see .012 difference and although I have seen that kind of swing before . I'd say that's not a very consistent bullet .