is it legal


New member
The barrel alone should not be a restricted NFA item. A state or local law might have issue with the short barrel itself, but not Federal law.
Installing such a barrel, would be restricted to the $200 NFA tax with all the necessay paperwork. Sometimes people sell them and someone not knowing any better installs a short barrel without the tax stamp.


New member
Legal questions

If you want absolute, definite answers to legal questions about firearms, get the response in writing from your state's attorney or attorney general and/or the Federal Government.

The policeman on the beat, the auto mechanic posting on the internet, or the survivalist will not take consequences for giving you any bum answer.

These observations are made without comment on whether responses made to your posting are correct or not.:confused:

Don H

New member
In addition to bdcochran's excellent advice, you might want to research the term "constructive possession" as the BATF applies it to NFA items.


New member
Yes. As stated, a shotgun barrel alone is not NFA restricted. A person buying the barrel and in possession of the other parts to assemble a shotgun would be in violation of the NFA.

While good advice, it is not necessary to contact ATF on every topic regarding firearms. Most of the NFA is clearly written and you can read it yourself at ATF's website. If there is something you don't understand, write to ATF and get a written response.


New member
If you have a sawed off barrel and a reciver for that barrel (reciever is registered as a normal rifle/shotgun and not a pistol). Then you have a big problem here. We AR guys always pay special attention to this. IF you have an 11.5 barreled upper laying around and a rifle lower then you are in desperate need of the tax stamp otherwise go out and get a pistol lower. If not you will be spending time in a federal prison if things go wrong. Always ask for legal advice first. Try to ask locally, state and then last resort the BATF.


New member
If you are in the US, the minimum barrel length is 18", and you must have at least a 26" overall length.


Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe that's TOTAL barrel length, not just the length from the receiver forward.


New member
The barrel length, as I understand it, is the distance from the breech face (when the action is closed) to the muzzle ... it is neither the distance from the receiver to the muzzle nor the "total" length of the barrel (unless the latter happens to coincide with the previous definition ... as is the case with some .22LR rifles).


ps ... as a legal opinion, this info is worth exactly what you paid for it!


New member
In most states it is safe to say that a 14" shotgun barrel is illegal...
Usually it must be 18" or longer.

The mere posession of an illegal barrel is ILLEGAL... :rolleyes:


New member
As I understood from a while back, certain AK-47 parts kits had barrels of less than 16 inches in total length. Yes, the kits are totally legal to own.

Thompson Center Arms also have short barrels that can fit a carbine, but can not legally be installed. If I owned a G2 carbine and a separate 10 inch barrel that fits the carbine, I would not be in any violation of any law.
A court case fought by TC Arms a while back was resolved in favor of TC Arms. They sold combination kits that had a carbine registered receiver and a few various length barrels including one less than 16 inches.

If the shotgun barrel is being modified with a muzzle comp/flash hider and shortened to make a new minimum length of 18 inches, the barrel would have to be shorter than 18 inches until the FH/comp is welded on.

Constructive possession allows for actual intention. Some items like drop in auto sears have no other function so they have been regulated out of the same category as we are discussing. Constructive possession can also be used to charge someone with trying to suppress firearm noise ( YES even without a real noise suppressor). If you add a muzzle extension to a barrel and tell an ATF agent that you are trying to suppress noise with the muzzle extension, you could be charged with constructive possession of an improvised noise suppressor. Intent carries alot of weight in any case formed against someone.
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