Is it just me?


New member
I have a handful of semi autos, and I usually carry a semi.
however when I am looking around the gun store it is always the revolvers that call to me and If I am shooting just for kicks it is almost one of my revolvers (when I am shooting a hand gun any how).
It seems like every one I know under 35 just wants autos.
Does any one else see this trend?
I apreciate the function of a pistol but to me they just seem ugly and unintresting compared to a revolver.
what do you think?


New member
I'm kind of split. I appreciate the form of revolvers a lot. But the engineer in me really likes the function of semi-autos.

Well, just get both, right? :D


New member
No its not you there is a beauty about the classic look of the revolvers that just stands out.Semi auto kinda start looking all the same IMO with the exceptions of a custom 1911. I look at the semi auto as handsome and extremley fun to shoot.I look at the revolver as sexy looking and still fun to shoot.That said have both worlds semi and revolvers to your collection and then you cant go wrong.


New member
I'm 26, and most of my handguns are wheelguns. I appreciate a good autoloader, but I like revolvers more. When I (can) carry, it's a snubby IWB or in the pocket.

When I want to make a lot of noise in a short period of time, or when I don't care about keeping brass for reloading, then an autoloader is the way to go.


New member
I like both types and these days I carry an auto more often than I carry my revolver. Other than my 1911 however, my revolvers are my cherished handguns over any of my other semi autos.


New member
I am 52 and i want to tweak this a little... I have a semi-auto .22 (Beretta Neos) and a 9mm (S&W SW9VE). The Neos gets taken to the range almost every time because it is cheap to shoot. The 9mm is kept on my wife's side of the bed and I can't remember the last time we took it to the range.

OTOH, I also have 2 Ruger wheel guns; a .22 Single Six and a .357 Magnum Blackhawk. BOTH of these get taken to the range EVERY time! The first refinement is that these aren't just revolvers, they are single action revolvers. So what that I only get six shots before having to reload? So what that I have to put the cartridges in one and a time and take them out one a at time. To me, that is actually one of the advantages of this type of gun. I never have to worry about the whether or not the round will make it up the ramp and into the breech. So what that I have to cock the hammer for each shot? For some reason, maybe its my "inner cowboy" coming out, all of these things are part of the appeal of a SA revolver.

I am a little too young to have grown up on John Wayne movies, but I remember as a kid in the 60's going to the movies on Saturday to see some tall guy "with no name" in these westerns who wore a poncho. I think he ended up becoming mayor of Carmel, California. Anyone remember his name???

My wife just doesn't get it. She calls the .22 "Mr. Click Bang" and calls the .357 "Mr. Blasty" (after watching an episode of The Simpsons)

So the last tweak is that it might not be just an age thing, but also a "guy thing" to enjoy wheel guns over semi-autos.

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New member
I know im young, but I can appreciate a good revolver; something about elegant simplicity I guess. Renting John Wayne movies and old west documentaries from the library mightve had a hand in it as well.

Helps protect my wallet too. Kinda reigns in my tendency toward over expending my ammo supply.


New member
I am 24 and when I can afford to go out and shoot for fun it is always my revolvers I carry with me. I own one more auto than revolver but, prefer a revolver. Also my truck/carry gun is a snubby.

Willie Lowman

New member

I think that young people like automatics because "back in the day" they were infamous for being unreliable. However for the last 20+ years there have been ultra-reliable bottom feeders turned out, Beretta 92, Glocks, even the super sexy but much debated Nineteen Eleven. For someone who is new to the game, why go with 6 rounds that (baring an act of God) won't fail when you can have seven or fifteen or seventeen that almost never fail?

On the other hand, there are people so old that they remember when that powder that had 'less smoke' came out. To these old farts a handgun that relies on its own excrement (recoil/gas from burning powder) can never be trusted.

Besides, what did you grow up with, The Man With No Name or Lethal Weapon?

Ok, rant off.

I have twice as many autos as revolvers. It is an issue of quantity and quality.


I am young,29,and I love revolvers.I think that maybe a young male would want an auto for one simple reason.More damage,destruction,firepower,etc.That's what younger men want.I like the thrill of hitting a target downrange with a good revolver in single action,autos bore me.


New member
My brother and I were at the range last week. In front of him were a M&P 9, SR9, Sigma 40, and a P3 45. In front of me were a 460XVR, Model 29 .44mag, GP100 .357 mag, and a 617 .22LR. It was kind of funny, because any onlooker would have thought my brother to be an auto fanatic. He is really a wheelgun guy, but has just begun handloading for his autos, and was testing his latest creations.

I am a hardcore wheelgun man, but I gotta say, that SR9 and the M&P9 are really sweet shooters. I had never touched either one, but had no trouble shooting groups that surprised me. I may get one of those. I hate chasing brass, though. That is part of what I love about wheelguns.


New member
Eh, I appreciate a nice wheelgun, but for me my glock 30 is a tool, like my cell phone, or my leatherman. I've run enough rounds through it that I trust it, and to me it's the perfect compromise on physical size, capacity, and caliber. For a CCW you just can't do with a revolver, what you can do with an autoloader. It's called technological advance cave men! :p

I also challenge the wheelgunner's tale of the revolver being the end-all of reliability. Not that a Glock, or CZ, or whatever should automatically be trusted on reputation alone either, just that you should test and take care of your tools... ..and revolvers fail too. <ducks>


Another old fart here. My stereo has a turntable. NO CD player. My motorcycle has wheels with spokes. I BBQ with hickory wood. All of my carry guns have cylinders. I think the trend for semi autos for the younger dudes has a great deal to do with the entertainment industry.


New member
I am still looking for that perfect autoloader myself. Could be any caliber as it will be for fun and plinking or whatever. My .45 is close to the idea but is not fully there, I consider it all business and not just a fun plinker. I think I have my fun plinker revolver, but it is an antique and needs work, not rusty or shot out, but abused by a cretin with a file. So am sorta hoping to find the parts and fix that puzzle. Something like a Colt pocket auto, a .380 Govt, or something else slim and trim and well made would appeal to me. Foreign autos with heavy DA triggers do not appeal so much. Neither rusty junkers that need alot of work and refinish.


New member

I have quite a few handguns, both revolvers and autos. And I'm split. Both of my home defense guns are revolvers. One of my carry guns is a S&W 642. And I have to admit that I love the looks of a well kept Model 10-5 with walnut grips. And it seems that I can shoot the revolvers more consistently than I can the autos.

With one exception...

The 1911s. They're just right. :)

The other autos? They're OK. :rolleyes:


New member
56 years old here. Revolvers just never have turned me on. I'll walk by four glass cases of revolvers without even paying attention to look at the Beretta Bobcats in the fifth case. I just like the "machine-like" action of semis versus the "clock-like" action of wheel guns.
Been around both all my life and I own a couple of J-frames. For years that was "the" pocket gun and was the only handgun I owned. My little brother (54 year old whippersnapper!) collects S&Ws and I've shot them all, but never had any interest in handguns as a hobby. Then, about 10 years ago I bought a Ruger P90 on a whim, and have been hooked on semis ever since!
Polymer doesn't do it for me though, even though I own a couple of those, too. :eek:


New member
I dunno.

I got a few semi-auto's, a few revolvers.

I guess I like both. Actually I got more revolvers if you count my addiction to old large frame double actions. 2 S&W .45ACP's and 1 Colt .45ACP. All have problems, but fun to plink with. And if I ever can afford it, I want a S&W .44 special, and a .38-44.