Is It Just Me?


New member
I read a post on another board exalting the the CZ75 PCR and here is my response:

"Is it just me? I own and I am happy with either the CZ 75D PCR or Glock 19. I see these pistols as equals and I see no advantage to either; both of mine are equally reliable, about the same size, and easily carried. Let me throw another two pistols into the mix; I am also happy with my S&W M6906 and truly adore my CZ 75 Compact. If I were to choose between all of these handguns my CZ 75 Compact would get the nod. Why? The CZ 75 Compact feels damned near as good in my hand as a Browning High-Power and that says a lot. What is your opinion?"


Richard :D

The Winner:



New member
cz 75

Hello,I just ordered a CZ 75 B.Should be here soon.I have reading a lot about the CZ and I like what I read.It seems the CZ is very accurate right out of the box.My only other very accurate pistol is sig sauer 220 45 acp.Old Navy


New member
I recall reading once that the grip or grip angle on the CZ was actually modeled after the Hi-power, so your sensation is not surprising. I think the Compact looks great too, and it's a gun made in the classic fashion, not plastic and stamped steel.....

Officer's Match

New member
As I posted in some other threads here, I finally got to handle a P-01 earlier this week at Gander Mountain. It felt so great in my hand that I haven't been able to forget it. I may go back this weekend and do something about it...