Is it just me?

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Number 6

Minority opinion

"The entire country is "riveted" by his testimony and I just wish he'd STFU. He was 13 and in my book that's old enough to take responsibility for your own actions."

Really? Name ONE state in which a 13-year old can:





Enter into any enforceable contract

Own property in his/her own name

Consent to sexual acts

We're waiting for ANY basis for our assertion.

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
I'm sure glad that you labled your view as a Minority Opinion, Number 6.

All the things you listed are privileges granted to those who reach majority. None of them have a thing to do with knowing the difference between right or wrong and owning up to mistakes in judgment... Taking responsibility for ones own actions.

Most of us parents tried to teach these concepts to our young. It seems that there is a segment of society that feels the young have no responsibility until they reach the age of majority. Got a news flash for you: If you wait that long, it will be too late to teach this concept.


New member
What that kid did is disgraceful to say the least. He was looking for cheap thrills and then realized he could make a buck when the offers started pouring in. The only thing he regrets is that he got caught...:barf:


New member
I am a little bit lost. Where were the parents when all this was going on? Geez! Doesn't anyone bother to keep an eye on their kids? :confused:


New member
Thats why 13 years old is not the age of majority. A 13 year old may have a sense of right and wrong. Here we adults telling him that what he is doing is ok. I dont understand how his Mom let that go over her head. I remember my Mom finding my stash of Playboy magazines that were hidden in a very secure spot. :eek: when I came home one day they were sitting on top of the bed :eek:


New member
I remember my Mom finding my stash of Playboy magazines that were hidden in a very secure spot.

Ha Ha, that brings back some memories. Of course when she found my stash she realized pretty quick that it was the same ones that were my dad's stash! :eek:

I had noticed that dad's stash, which of course I knew about, had "disappeared." A late night recon mission to the can at the curb yeilded a gold mine. :D Luckily nothing nasty had been thrown on top of the paper grocery bag they were inside.

Of course I also knew were dad's guns were but we had come to an agreement long before that if I ever wanted to handle or shoot them all I had to do was ask and we would take a trip to the range together to shoot or just take them out for me to handle. No Mystery = No Curiosity. Naked Girls on the other hand was a completely different matter!:cool:

Number 6

Reality check

"All the things you listed are privileges granted to those who reach majority. None of them have a thing to do with knowing the difference between right or wrong and owning up to mistakes in judgment."

NONSENSE. The reason the age of consent, age of contract, etc. are set where they are is PRECISELY because children make stupid decisions. Apparently you were a Perfect Child and a Font of Reason in utero. Normal children make mistakes, as this twit did.

"Taking responsibility for ones own actions."

A noble goal, achieved through example and training. Expecting an average 13-year old to have mastered what many twice his age has not is unrealistic and unfair.

"Most of us parents tried to teach these concepts to our young. It seems that there is a segment of society that feels the young have no responsibility until they reach the age of majority."

An egregious misrepresentation of my remarks. There is, however, a significant difference - some might call it a chasm - between "no responsibility" and a 13-year old being manipulated by adults. :barf:
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New member
Personal responsibility is a cultural trait. You can't tell me that a 13 year old doesn't have the capability to know right from wrong or have a sense of personal responsibility. My grandparents live in 'old school' Tennessee. By the time my grandpa was 18, he had his own farm and family by my 15 year old grandma(not long after was a Baptist minister). Their age difference from this boy is just a couple of years, yet they shouldered more responsibility than most adults do today. This 13 year old boy is flat out wrong and he knows it, our society is the one telling him it's not his fault.
This is not just some mistake a 'normal' child makes, he sold himself because he wanted money and attention, this is clearly an intentional deviant act.

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Number 6 said:
Apparently you were a Perfect Child and a Font of Reason in utero. Normal children make mistakes, as this twit did.
Hah! Only wish it were true, my backside wouldn't have been, um, "sunburnt" as much as it was!

When I was 13, I had my 22 and my 30-30 in my closet. But I also knew that these weren't toys. I knew that I had to ask permission to use my own guns. Failure to ask was met with a strap. I knew that I had to keep my guns clean and well oiled. There was a penalty for not doing so.

Even back at the dawn of time, when I was 13, I knew what sex was. I knew it was wrong for adults (male or female) to want to have "fun" with me. Heck, it was wrong for me to want to have "fun" with girls my own age, and there would be hell to pay should I be found out. I won't get into the homosexual thing, it wasn't even spoken of. But we all knew.

This wasn't a mistake. This was a willful act and this kid knew it. Even if the parents taught this kid nothing, there was still peer pressure from school. Unless that has changed drastically, this kid knew.

You can continue to call this "unrealistic and unfair," but I won't. Neither will the vast majority of parents, where I live.


NONSENSE. The reason the age of consent, age of contract, etc. are set where they are is PRECISELY because children make stupid decisions. Apparently you were a Perfect Child and a Font of Reason in utero. Normal children make mistakes, as this twit did.
Really? Then why is the age of consent for sex different across the nation?

So a 16 year old is mature enough to make a smart decision in Indiana but not in Illinois? That's nonesense. It's nonesense for anyone to think that the age of 18 magically grants a person with the wisdom and maturity to suddenly know right from wrong and make the right decision. It's nonesense to think that parents can shield a child from all the taboos of the world because their puritan beliefs make them so cowardly on the subject of sex and expect that child to know exactly what to do when they turn 18.

Different states have different definitions of "minor" depending on the issue at hand so no, that age is not precisely set because children make stupid decisions. Turning 18 may no longer qualify a person as a "child" but it doesn't preclude making stupid decisions, nor does being under the age of 18 inherently mean that all the decisions they make will be stupid.

Normal children make mistakes because their parents don't teach them properly. They hide them from the truths of the world and expect them to resist biological urges simply because they're told not to. :rolleyes:


New member
This kid made a lot of money and started his own business doing his web porn for sickos. This kid did some really perverted and disgusting acts for perverted and disgusting men. He also made a lot of money.

Now the kid says the pedophiles were manipulative and very convincing. How in the heck can some guy's message on your computer screen compel someone to put object a into their object b.

Greedy immoral messed up kid who is now getting sympathy and notoriety.

Whats worse id how the media is making this kid into a hero.

No thanks.

Number 6

The word you are attemting to use is

NONSENSE; not "nonesense." Spell checkers exist for a reason - people like you.

"So a 16 year old is mature enough to make a smart decision in Indiana but not in Illinois? That's nonesense [sic]. It's nonesense [sic] for anyone to think that the age of 18 magically grants a person with the wisdom and maturity to suddenly know right from wrong and make the right decision."

What NONE of the states say is that a 13-year old, which is the subject at hand, though you've seem to have ignored that fact, is capable of making an enforceable contract. Further, a child that age is, by legal definition, still a child and could not be tried as an adult absent specific and compelling circumstances. Try to stay focused.

"It's nonesense [sic] to think that parents can shield a child from all the taboos of the world because their puritan beliefs make them so cowardly on the subject of sex and expect that child to know exactly what to do when they turn 18."

True. And irrelevant as to the subject of the 13-year old in question, as that issue is not presented on the facts.

"Now the kid says the pedophiles were manipulative and very convincing. How in the heck can some guy's message on your computer screen compel someone to put object a into their object b [?]."

You ignore the facts on this matter. The kid was plied w/expensive toys in the form of computers, cameras and other glitzy toys, not to mention having an entire apartment rented for him so he could create his own little world.

Bribery on that scale has corrupted many adults. Why expect a child to be resistant?

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
I'm really tired of all the ad hominems that are being thrown out by many on TFL. If someone wants to remind another about their spelling, there are certainly ways to do it without becoming abusive.

Prime example of the above abuse: "Spell checkers exist for a reason - people like you."
^^^^^^ This is a personal attack, an ad hominem.

Prime example of politely informing the individual: "It's nonesense [sic] to think that parents can shield..."
^^^^^^ This is an example of being helpful. the [sic] denotes that the originator spelled the word in that manner and is an indicator that the word is incorrectly spelled.

Both the examples are from the same post. I am simply amazed....

Now that we've all had our spelling and grammar lessons for today, thread closed for the attack.
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