Is it just me, or are things getting worse...


New member
No - I agree.

I think Emerson could be a watershed event - expect things to get really fast and funky if things go well...

Actually, I think that the Clinton Administration was very anti gun and it wa all we could do to stem the tide and play defense.

Now we have the Ashcroft position, the Emerson case and some more things in the periphery.

Stay tuned - the best is yet to come....



New member

I was actually thinking that things were going faster and faster in the other direction. Things seem to be progressing in a downward direction. Not always making headway under today's political climate, but overall I think the ball is gaining speed while it rolls downhill...

Dave R

New member
I think it is universal that things speed up as you get older. Not just politics, but everything.

Remember how long summer was when you were a kid? And how long it was until summer came again?

Back then, a year was 1/8 of your life. Or at least, 1/8 of what you could remember. No wonder it took so long.

Now, a year is just 1/30, or 1/40, or 1/50 of your life. Hardly any time at all. The time between Memorial Day and Labor Day is just a few weeks. Barely enough to get some of the outside projects done.

Then its a steady progression from back-to-school, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and oh my gosh, we'd better get Christmas planned.

I'm surprised Einstein didn't do an amendment to the theory of relativity covering this subject, as he got older.


New member
"Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute.

THAT'S relativity." - Albert Einstein

The old guy had a sense of humor.

Herr Walther

New member
Actually he sort of did. Time is reletive for everyone.

I can go to work and be extremely busy and before I know it my shift is over. On a Saturday at work though, time stands still.

neal bloom

New member
It is called entropy. Left on their own, things in the universe tend to fall apart over time. One of the Laws of Thermodynamics.