Is HK worth the premium price?

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I was thinking of an HK but was stopped in my tracks by the price. Normally I would drop it but thinking of HD/SD there is no need to cut corners.


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Is H&K really nice? Yes.
Is H&K THAT nice? If you feel like spending the money, sure.

I've read the extreme conditions that special forces put them through, but I'm not dragging my HD gun through the wet sand very often.

I've owned a few H&Ks over the years (USP Compact 9mm, USP .45, and USP Elite 9mm). From my experience, they are not any more or less reliable than anything else that is "reliable". For the price of an H&K, you could get your choice of other polymer pistol (Glock, XD, XDm, or M&P) and a case of ammo to get good with it or a nice light to put on the end of it.

You could also get a Sig with a metal frame and a little less recoil.

Shadi Khalil

New member
I think they may be a tad over priced but they are great guns nonetheless. I've never shot an HK that I didn't like or one that gave me any issues at all. They are accurate, durable and dead nuts reliable. However, for what you pay, they could stand to have a bit more refinement. For instance, HK's tend to run higher than Sigs for comparable models but the Sigs tend to have better triggers and finishes. This of course has been my experience, YMMV.


New member
I think it depends on the model and what you value. I have two P7's, one and M8, and the other a PSP, both bought used (the M8 is mint) for a fraction of their cost new, so to me they weren't overpriced at all. I did buy a new USP Tactical .45, but found a good deal at $899 a few years ago, so again didn't think I overpaid for a fine pistol.

If you look for good deals, and used HK's in nice condition, you can lessen the blow of paying big bucks. But, are they "worth" it? IMHO, YES.


New member
That's up to the buyer. I have fired them along side Glocks and XDs as well as many other brands.
HKs are all very well made, but for my money I'd buy many other brands first. No HK has ever impressed me as being more reliable or more accurate than MANY other brands, and in a few cases I could not say they were as accurate. The CZ 75 was fully its equal and the SIG 210 was MORE accurate. I cannot say I have seen anything the HKs will do any better than my Springfield XD.
So it's a matter of what you like.

For a set budget I would buy another gun and have some money (sometimes a LOT of money) left to buy ammunition components.

Paul K

New member
HK is the most innovative and prestigious firearms manufacturer of our time.

There have been countless threads about "Sig quality going down hill" and "Kimber problems". While the threads posted about HK ask "Are HK's worth the price?" To me they are.


New member
HKs are great guns but worth the price? :confused: I don't know...

I have a USP and it's great; that said is it that much better than a German made Sig or FNX/P? Probably not. If you're only goint to get one and you shoot the H&K very well then I say go for it. But, if your budget is limited you may have better results with a FNP/X and a bunch of ammo to train with. But, a HK will serve you well should you go that route.


New member
Definitely - to the right shooter including myself!!

Most pistol owners probably shoot a couple hundred rounds a year and to many if not most of them a HK would not considered to be worth the extra investment.

I believe, at least the newer HK design pistols, that they are designed to not need ANY part replacement until 25,000 rounds. Almosy any other pistol design will require at least recoil spring replacement at around 5000 rounds out to possibly 10,000 rounds. So HKs are built to be extremely relaible and durable.

I don't own a HK pistol yet because I really can't shoot any of their 9MM pistols as well as my SIGs or Walther PPQ. The triggers just don't agree with me.

However I LOVE the HK45 and probably will get one some day and consider it a bargain at it's price for what you get.
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my buddy is an H&K nut. He swears by the quality and says the price is more than worth it (for the handguns)
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When I bought my first Sig 3 years ago (P220 Carry) it caused a friend of mine to retaliate and buy a H&K USP. We have on occasion traded pistols at the range and tried things out.

For myself I found the H&K to be first class in every way and it feels like the precision piece of equipment it is. That said both my friend and I agree that for some reason that is just hard to put ones thumb on my Sig is more fun to shoot. The actual loaded weight of the pistols isnt all that significantly different but the way the recoil comes back feels different.

Either way I have nothing bad to say about the H&K and I would have no problem owning one. I do not find them however directly comparable to a Glock or XD as for the price there is a different build quality and it shows in the overall refinement and trigger smoothness. Yes a XD or Glock can be customized to attain much more refinement but straight out the box it is not the same..

And in the interest of full disclosure.. I do own a XD but I am no fan of Glocks but as you can see I gave them equal treatment here..


New member
Why do you need our validation to spend your money? LOL

For me they are simply not worth it. Not because they are not quality guns but because I am not found of their triggers. Their DA IMHO leaves a lot to be desired.

I have owned a USP 9mm and it felt like a 2X4 in my hand. I owned a HK45 and it was solid and shot great but not as great as my 1911s or my Sig P220. In both cases I sold them for what I had in them. Both were bought used, LNIB.

The only HK that has stuck around is the Saxony P7 I own. It is not one of my favorites and has its limitations but one cannot argue with the quality of materials, combintation of design and craftsmanship that went into this pistol. I just wish it did not get so hot when shooting more than 50 rounds.

In the end if you like what they are offering you then get one. I personally think that HK used is the way to go. I feel the same way about Sigs.


New member
HK is the most innovative and prestigious firearms manufacturer of our time.


Needed a good laugh this morning.

There's no doubt HKs are good guns. They are not for everybody- some folks don't like the feel, others don't like the triggers, the slide profile might be a bit blocky for concealment with many of their models. And as you note, the price is stratospheric.

It is worth considering what the HK does that others will or won't do, and then decide if that's worth it to you. All of the rabid HK love aside, they really aren't any more capable than any other quality gun. Some folks will pay double for a gun that says HK and then will laugh at others for being poor if they say the things are overpriced (it happens in pretty much every HK thread). They have managed to hold the line on quality where others have let it slide a bit, but again, with how their customer service is reputed to function, they'd best make sure the guns don't have any issues.

Just buy what feels good and shoots well. If that's the H und K, then great. If it's a Glock, Sig, S&W, or anything else, great.


New member
I have an HK45c that I bought used LNIB. The DA trigger was very stiff at first. After about 300 rounds it has broken in nicely and I have grown to love the gun as a whole package, for its size, its apparent quality, and the accuracy I can achieve with it. I actually shoot it just as well as my SIGs and I prefer the set of the HK trigger.

Now do I think it was worth the price? Probably not. Is an HK twice as good, following the pricing, as many of its competitors? Probably not. We see this also in custom 1911s. As long as its worth it to the owner is what matters. After a certain point it often costs a substantial amount to get a perceived improvement. For certain folks that is worth it, for others it is not.

There are HK fanatics for sure, but there are a lot of HK haters as well. I expect this thread to bring out both. For me HK offers an excellent product at a not so excellent price. I appreciate the gun for what it is, but not every gun I own will be an HK. Too many other good, and cheaper, options out there. That said I think everyone should try at least one HK to decide for his/herself.


New member
I used to carry nothing but HK's and Sigs (back when Sigs were all German made) They are the best of the best. Worth the price? That depends on how much money you have to spend. Honestly, these days I want a reliable, accurate and fairly priced gun rather than having "the name". You would be just as well served with a S&W M&P, Ruger SR series or Glock. Plus you can buy 2 of those guns for the price of 1 HK. You gain nothing except bragging rights with an HK.
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