is HK snobby?


New member
I do the HK deal, I shoot HK. HK makes some awesome stuff but...

Is it just me or is HK snobby? :eek:

What leads me to ask you all here at this forum is the fact they do the whole 10 rounds default thing, they don't openly sell the tacticool G36.. instead they just do the Sporter... they do the whole "10 round mag default" deal on their .45s (from what I see.) and they just seem to not be as bright and friendly as other gun companies.

Thoughts..? prove me 100% wrong maybe?


New member
It has been my experience in dealing with German Manufacturers that they believe their product is superior to all others. They aren't afraid to let you know their feelings either.


New member
I think I know where you are going with this. In my travels about the country side and talking with other gun owners who are not serious gun collectors, when H & K comes up in the conversation, I usually hear early on that their guns are too pricey. And those people that usually say that are shooting Taurus or some other popular, lower priced brand....not there is anything wrong with that.

The point I am making is that if the general population is driving a GM product or a Japanese Car, and someone shows up with a Mercedes Benz or a BMW, it is assumed that the driver of the higher priced car is wealthier and therefore has a snob factor.

Further, I live in Boca Raton, Florida. When asked, and I tell people the name of my town, the usual response is that Boca is a very wealthy area. For those that may live in Scottsdale, AZ, you probably hear the same thing. If one is perceived wealthy or living in a wealthy area, for some reason they are also perceived as being a snob.


New member
HK does seem to have a bit of the snobness but Im not sure its so much more than any other quality firearm maker.

Anyone that builds a quality product is going to rightly feel proud.


New member
I'm guessing that the 10 round default might have to do with importation laws into the US.
I like HKs, I like to shoot HKs, and I suppose if I had the money I might buy one. My XD does everything that an HK will do at half the cost. I'm a range kind of guy, not the ninja operator type that absolutely needs HK hardware or I'll get my whole squad killed or something. Its the HK owners and their condescending attitude that get me riled. "Navy SEALs, Green Berets, Jack Bauer use HKs" they'll say. To which I reply, "Oh thats right, you are in fact Jason Bourne, I completely forgot! Hey after you save the Port of Seattle from a dirty bomb, want to grab some lunch?"


New member
It has been my experience in dealing with German Manufacturers that they believe their product is superior to all others. They aren't afraid to let you know their feelings either.

Mirrors my experience when dealing with the Germans.

They don't half ass things, they understand their products, and they make quality hardware.

China is number one exporter in the world, but the Germans are the number two exporter (dollar value) in the world and the number one exporter of machine tools.

And they only have 60 million people to make all that stuff they sell. They must be doing something right.

As Dizzy Dean said "It ain't bragging if you can do it"


New member
Snobbish? No. Elitist? Yes.

Their best products like the MP5 variants and G series rifles are not even offered in civilian versions. They want to arm the military and cops only. Similar to some other Germans around 60-70 years ago. Their pistols are good but IMHO no better than alot of other choices.


New member

As elitist as they may be, Even THEY make mistakes.
Accuracy, Reliability, No compromise.


........So reliable, you can load the magazines backwards and they fire!?!?
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Willie D

New member
An oldie but a goodie.

HK. Because you suck and we hate you:

In all honesty I really like a lot of their designs but they are overpriced, especially considering that some of their designs are NOT particularly labor intensive or made of particularly costly materials (cough! stamped sheet metal). But hey, you gotta pay the german workers for their month long vacation!

And if you want to bring up the old saw about teutonic quality, then you've never owned a german car past it's lease/waranty expiration.


New member
Have 2 HKs; P9S and P7. Just because they're such interesting examples of engineering. Can't say as how I'm at all attracted to any of their other pistols. It's true the company feels it can live without you and me; they're not particularly interested in the US civilian market, seems to me.

Have driven BMW cycles and cars since 1981. Always bought used. (Can't afford a new one, and hate the depreciation). Latest is a 1991 535i I bought two years ago for 2K with 198000 on the clock. Runs like a champ so long as you service it regularly. All my BMWs made it to 250000 miles.

Your mileage may differ.

I don't think I'm a snob, just a little odd.


New member
I think HK makes some pretty awesome stuff. I guess if you want it you pay for it - And I do some times. There's nothing like picking up a handgun you have a connection with. On that note, YES there are definately more "practical-tactical" options out there that even I would feel good going with. I actually think a Glock (OBVIOUSLY) is just as awesome as a USP. But as I said, I do the HK deal. I just like mine.

I kinda agree with EdInk. HK seems to not be that savior of the free people. They go with contracts. - at least it very much seems so.

Thanks for the link there, Willie D!
And uhh,


I mean, I really like this gun! I'd like to own one... but it's still funny.
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New member
not any more so than the custom 1911 crowd.

Everyone will talk the talk about their chosen brand of firearm, it's jsut the way it is...

as a company, I don't think so either. Their primary target market is LE and military, that's who they cater to. They sell to civilians as well, but a relatively small portion of their product line. Civvies are their secondary target market.


New member
Arguably something similar could be said about Colt.
Flame-Suit On.

At least the H&K stuff is made better and sold for less by several other companies.

Not a fan of either companies policies but the H&K stuff can be nice.


New member
I must admit....

I own a P7M8 and a Mark 23. I don't shoot them, they're more out of curiosity sake than anything else. If people continue to pay outrageous prices for them, I'll keep them.

Bill DeShivs

New member
HK is geared toward military/police sales. They really don't care about individual sales. Domestically, gun ownership is practically outlawed-so individual gun ownership is foreign to their thinking.
Their guns are ugly, too.


New member
I think the fact that colt manufacturing and colt defense are treated as two separate entities points to the fact. I love my colts though.

I believe my statement to be fact, but if I’m wrong, I’m sure someone will tell me.


New member
I own a HKUSPC and consider it the most overrated gun I own. That said, I'd still love to have P7M8 or M13. And an MP5 for that matter.;)