Is HK going to be sold?


New member
I overheard some guys talking at a gun show that HK may be sold and no longer deal w/ the civilian market. Is this true or just a VERY bad rumor?


New member
The english corp that currently owns HK has been looking to sell for a few years. Seems like every year since then, there is another "really close to happening" rumor. As to abandoning the civilian market, I suppose that would depend on who the buyer would be. Could be good for us, could be bad. No way to tell until it happens, I'd guess. You can check for some more information, but as it is really only a rumor, there isn't much more...



New member
This is one of those things that comes out of left field from rumor control ... Unfortunately, the only people with the answers are the people that aren't answering.

The last I heard, talking with one of my contacts in the industry, some German folks were either interested ... or had already bought just the small arms part of HK, but either way have no plans to change their marketing to the US, either the L/E, military or civilian market. Apparently one of the people interested in buying the small arms part of the business, when it was initially going around that it was going to be up for sale, had made some comments to the effect that he would stop marketing to the US if he bought the company ...

I make no claim to have insider or special info about this, though ... it's just something I heard at a recent armorer's update. No idea if it's close to the facts ... Be a shame to see the company change business practices in that way, though ...


New member
Wouldn't phase me. This was a great company back in the early 80's and was more responsive to the civilian. Dealing with them on the phone is a PIA. The salesman I spoke with didn't have a clue about his own products. That is disturbing and a symptom of bigger problems. Hopefully, new ownership will remedy all this for the better. I was really pumped when I heard about the P2000 and P2000 subcompact.


New member
A bit off topic, but I followed the link to as I haven't been there in awhile and this greets me:


The G36 is mondo cool, but the little satellite dish on his shoulder and the little green "Rebel soldier on ice planet Hoth" goggles from The Empire Strikes Back" got a belly laugh out of me.
BLIPS are no laughing matter. Lasers present a very real threat to the unprotected eye on the modern battlefield. The laser used to range on the M1 Abrams can fry your eyes very easily.

As for the antena... well, at least they have squad commo - we can't even get that right these days.



New member
It is far more than just a rumor at the present.
There are a few very concerned employees in Sterling. ;)


New member
When things get economically tough, one strategy to cope is to sell to another company in the same business. Chief result is that by doing so both companies can eliminate one entire management team. That lowers fixed costs an appreciable amout. Follow on restructuring will eliminate duplicate manufacturing and related manufacturing. Assuming operations are integrated, then a fair slice can be taken out of shared resources like accounting and business operating systems.

Bottom line is I've thought for years the firearms industry is ripe for consolidation. By consolidation I don't mean one company abandoning the civilian market in favor of LE // military. I do mean company A purchasing company B, doing the consolidation thing, and retain distinct brands.

Not saying that's what's going on with HK or any other company in the rumor mill, but it does strike me its long overdue.