Is gun control an issue you are willing to die for?

except from:

I suggest now is the time for all of us to start telling our gun control friends that this is an issue we will not compromise on any more. Here is what I have started to do. I do not argue with my liberal friends about gun control. I do not try to change their minds, I do not lecture them about the historical perspectives on the Second or the dangers of the power of the state. I do not mention Lott or a thousand other sources that speak so eloquently of the practical reasons to be armed. I do not try to explain the feeling of freedom that comes from the acceptance of my position as a citizen with the right and obligation to defend myself or our liberty. Instead, I ask them politely and calmly the following question: "Is gun control an issue you are willing to die for? Does this mean so much to you that you would give your life to make it so?"

I then explain that to the us, the Second Amendment is the keystone of the Constitution. It is the most important right to us. It guarantees all of the others. It is to us what the First of the Fifth is to them. I tell them in a cold, sober tone, that we have been backed into a corner by their side, and that is always dangerous to do. I tell them that by never once considering, much less acknowledging, the validity of our views, they have waged a war on our liberty that has forced us to consider an option that none of us would have thought possible just 5 years ago.

I tell them that just as no Black man would ever go back to segregation, just as no American would give up freedom of speech, that just as none of us would stand by and let the government herd the Jews to another holocaust, so will we never, ever give in on the Second. I tell them that we are at fault for never making this clear to them. I explain that while you may think this is something of little importance, it is the one issue that can, and will, lead to a revolution in this country. Not one other issue on the political scene has the power to do this.

I conclude by telling them, as calmly and rationally as I can, that I do not want war, I do not want to kill anyone; I simply want to be left alone to live my life as a free American. However, I know my duty to my ancestors, who fought at Bunker Hill, to my children, who are counting on me to preserve their liberty until it is their turn, and to every American who values our liberty today, and if they persist in attacking a basic human right, they can, and should, expect us to fight back.

They inevitably respond that "You can't really expect to stand up to the army or the police." I then give them this example: Last year, about 20,000,000 Americans bought some type of hunting license. Toss out half of them as duplicates, kids, guys who enjoy the field but don't care if they shoot or not, and the like. That leaves 10,000,000. Assume just 10% are deadly serious about this. That leaves one million, well armed, skilled Americans who are not going to sit back while the anti's take their freedom. Imagine a guerrilla war with one million Americans doing nothing more than resisting an assault on their basic rights? It would be unwinnable without the imposition of a total police sate, and that is something even the anti's should fear.

Even one hundred thousand Americans, willing to pay the price and to fight back, would be enough to make this a reality. Selectively fighting back against those who take your liberty makes a lot more sense that blowing up innocent Americans. Targeting those who would enslave you makes them personally liable for their actions against us. Remember, they will paint us as terrorists, but in this case, we are doing nothing more than resisting the kind of tyranny that would have long ago prompted our ancestors to act. The issue here is whether we really have that resolve. I believe we do, but we have never made that clear to the other side.

I have no problem with anyone exercising their First Amendment right to speak against gun ownership, to lobby for passive acquiescence to crime or tyranny just so long as they never, ever attempt to make their personal views into laws that affect the rest of us.


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by fight4yourrights:

Instead, I ask them politely and calmly the following question: "Is gun control an issue you are willing to die for? Does this mean so much to you that you would give your life to make it so?"


Of course not. That's what mercenaries are for.


Well if we have guns and they don't, I know which side is gonna die...


New member
Preservefreedom: It certinally will not be the gun-grabbers, they will bring in little foreign devils wearing blue kevlars. They will then sit in their houses and watch as the blue kevlars go rolling down the stret with holes in them. The majority of them will never pick up a weapon to defend their beliefs, and I doubt that the majority of us could kill such pathetic creatures in cold blood, at least I couldn't.


New member
.308 Nato and larger will travel through a blue kevlar and a gun grabber, a twofer....

Seriously though, I really really hope it doesn't come to that. I don't begrudge any of you that choose to be ready, but please excercise restraint...

I twist the facts until they tell the truth. -Some intellectual sadist

The Bill of Rights is a document of brilliance, a document of wisdom, and it is the ultimate law, spoken or not, for the very concept of a society that holds liberty above the desire for ever greater power. -Me


The mother of all wars will soon begin,... The streets will flow with the blood of the non-believers... Let's get it on!!!! :D

The tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of Patriots and tyrants alike...TJ.


New member
hnkg3 did you try HKG3 as your name initially?

Again from C Cramer.

Finally the Supreme Court has a fourth Option--to hear a case, overturn existing precedents of U.S. v. Cruikshank (1876) and Presser v. Illinois (1886), and ignore the overwhelming number of state supreme court decisons that have recognized "the right to keep and bear arms" as an individual right. But this last option has risks. Many millions of Americans will beocme angry, afraid, and will lose confidence in the integrity of their government---and those millions will be forced to look to the arms they possess on that day and make the choice: "Use it, or loose it" Unlike other factions whose rights have been stepped on throughout American history, owners of "asssult rifles" are in a positon to experimentally determine if firearms can be used to overturn a modern government. Win or lose, the results will be unpleasant.

Bob Locke

New member
I put that question to a fellow on the local newspaper's sounding board a few months ago. I basically asked him if he wanted my guns SO bad that he was willing to risk getting shot over it.

He stopped talking to me for a while for some reason.


Staff Alumnus
"Is gun control an issue you are willing to die for? "

No...but freedom is!

What do you want?
Freedom to live like we are.
Anything else?
Guns, so they can't take the freedom away!
I'll see what I can do-
And grenades, mortars, and mines, so they can't take the guns away!

Randy Davis

New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by fight4yourrights:
Is gun control an issue you are willing to die for?[/quote]

There's only one way to find out, my friend. Come and get em', if you think you can.

RKBA Forever!

"What part of "Uninfringed" do you not understand?"


New member
I like the story of the guy that moved to Montana from New York(I believe) and somehow they mailed him a notice to turn in his guns, and he said "come and get em" and so they raided his former location, lol.

I twist the facts until they tell the truth. -Some intellectual sadist

The Bill of Rights is a document of brilliance, a document of wisdom, and it is the ultimate law, spoken or not, for the very concept of a society that holds liberty above the desire for ever greater power. -Me


I really get frustrated when people get all worked up over the 2nd.

We have so many issues facing this nation today.

The most important part about the 2nd is it allows us to pull the plug on the current bureacracy.

I guarantee you this, if we change the tax system these problems will go away.

Their power over us, is an economic power.

They control are ability to move forward
in life.

If we didn't have to work 60 hours a week to make a living, we could spend more time with our children, and if we could spend more time with our children they would become better people.

Crime would no longer be an issue that would be debated at the federal level.

So, let's take a hard look at the big picture.

Our tax system is oppressing the hell out of us, and I am weary of it.
