Is Glendenning a Tyrant?


New member
They announced on the news tonight that Maryland's Governor has made it illegal to discharge a firearm of any type in four counties. I understand the situation up there, trying to catch the psycho-sniper, but is it right to completely deny people a freedom in order to catch a murderer? What about hunters? I think this is wrong. I don't live there and if I did I would be absolutely furious. How about you?


New member
I'm ****ing PISSED! My (state-run DNR) range is in PG County!

The four counties are: Prince Georges, Montegomery, Anne Arundal and Howard.

Actually, on further thought, I hope this ban lasts until November 6th. Its the middle of slug-gun sight-in season in Maryland, and all the hunters are sure gonna be pissed when they find out they cant sight in their shotguns or even shoot at Bambi (if the season starts soon). Mr. Ehlrich, your name is being applied to the governor's office door as we speak.



New member


ANNAPOLIS, MD (April 11, 2000) President Bill Clinton, Maryland Governor Parris Glendening, and Lt. Governor Kathleen Kennedy Townsend take a moment to pose with Maryland children who have taken a public stand against handgun violence at the Responsible Gun Safety Act bill signing. This is the first time that President Clinton has attended a bill signing during his term in office.


New member
I had him as a prof back in '77 at U od Md College Park, and I can attest to his intellectual dishonesty...which would make him ripe for the role of a tyrant. The SOB screwed me on my grades :D

He made his book, kind of blandly, if not repulsively, titled "Pragmatic Federalism: An Intergovernmental View of American Government" mandatory reading. What an underhanded way of boosting sales for a book that no one would otherwise read...its collecting mold somewhere in my basement.

Mike in VA

New member
Oh, my, where to begin. IMNSHO, Glendenning is a *****, a wimp, a sissy, a socialist syncopant (sp?), and an intellectual whore. As Governor, he has real power (Tyranical, well, meybe). The fact that he has been elected twice speaks volumes about how much trouble MD (the "Free State") is in.

FWIW, I grew up in Bethesda/Potomac (Montgomery Co), & own property in So. MD. Been sailing out of Solomons for 20 yrs. The up comming election has a lot to do wiith where I retire. I don't want to live in a communist country.


New member
BAAAAH! BAAAAH! Daddy, make the bad guns go away! I'm afraid, Daddy!

There, there, child, Daddy will make it all better by stopping all those evil guns from being used.

:barf: :barf: :barf:
