Is Del-Ton a reputable AR-15 manufacturer?


New member
I'm looking at buying a stripped lower from Del-Ton and a complete M4A3 flat top upper to go with it as well. Looks like I can buy them both with a few upgrades (chrome barrel/bolt/carrier, vented free float tube, carry handle, and M4 feed ramps) for around $800 and put it together myself.

With the upgrades that I'm getting the price seems around $100-150 lower than RRA rifles (granted they're already aseembled, mine won't be yet). My buddy runs the CATM (gun) range at my previous duty station so I called him for advice since he deals with M-16s on a daily basis. He basically told me, the AR-15 manufacturers are pretty much the same thing and to buy what I can get the best deal on. Looks like I found it with the Del-Ton, just wanting to know if this is what I should get or if they're total garbage.


New member
I order a kit from them last month. It took 3 weeks to get here but it looked good and got what I ordered. The rifle shoots fine. I got 10 rds in 3 1/2" with PMC Bronze at a 100 yards rested prone. Isn't nothing to brag about but I am not the best shot in the world andstill have not gotten used to the rifle. I will be trying some Privi this weekend to see what it will do. Had a couple stove pipes on the 60th and 61st round but I don't know if it had anything to do with the rifle, ammo, or mag so I won't go complaining about that yet.

You could try I heard good things from them and they are supposed to be cheaper. You just have to call them and say what you want and see if they have it.


New member
I own an upper they built for me, my LEO son now has it on his Bushmaster lower....great accuracy and good prices............hpg


New member
They've got good prices, but they take forever to ship. I'm still waiting for some receivers that I ordered on 3/26 to go out.

Master Blaster

New member
You can probably buy a complete RRA lower, and a complete RRA upper seperately from, for the same or less.

Ask them for an e-amil price quote, they ship fast, the lower will of course have to go to an FFL in your area for transfer.