Is concealed carry illegal at a gun show?


New member
I live in Virginia and am curious if I will be legal carrying with my CCW lic. at the gun show. I have looked through information given to me at my CCW class and did not see any such law. I do remember hearing somewhere that CCW is not legal at certian events with large numbers of people.


New member
In most states it is only expressly illegal if there is a clear statement at the door saying that loaded weapons are forbidden on that property. Otherwise I think it is legal. If you are found to be carrying I think the most that will happen is that the cops who are so commonly at gunshows will ask you to leave.
There are exceptions. For example, some cities will have gun shows in public government buildings where carrying a loaded weapon would be illegal. When signs are posted that forbid carrying (note not against the law), carrying a loaded weapon is grounds for trespassing enforcement. Here in Texas, if the owner/manager asks you to leave because he knows you have a gun, you must leave or at that time, you can be subject to arrest. So the posting is fair warning. The verbal command is the last warning before legal action.


New member

Depends on how the show is set up....

Here in MO, all, rpt. ALL, firearms brought in to a gun show by the public must be inspected at the door by a county sheriff's deputy and the action barred from moving by a nylon wire tie.

Since we are one of the few retard states that still has no CCW provisions in our law, that part of the question is moot. I suspect that even if we are lucky enough to get a CCW sometime soon, that you would still be required to have any gun you bring into a gun show tied, including your CCW weapon.

Better check with the local authorities or the gun show promoter on how it's handled in your area.

Just my 2 pence,

Kentucky Rifle

New member
At the big Louisville shows...

your guns must be "deactivated" by one of those nylon ties upon entry. However, a couple of times I have accidentally snuck my NAA Mini revolver past the ticket takers at the tables. I don't think much about the little Mini really. Goes into my pocket like my pocket knife or keys.
I guess that means sometimes I have THREE pistols on my person. :))) I've carried the Mini since the early 80's and I didn't give it a second thought,
that is until this last show. A fellow had made and was selling some little stag grips, just for NAA Mini revolvers. I bought a set and I'm still getting used to them. I take them out and admire them often.



New member
Here in NC you cannot carry concealled in any place that charges admission. The local shows here also serve beer which is another no-no with CCW in NC. Shows here also post no loaded weapons and all weapons must be checked and secured at the door. I'm sure these laws vary by state.


New member
Legal or Not

I've been in attendence at two shows where some damned fool touched off a live round. Thank God no one was injured. Lots of fun thinking about a bullet bouncing around in a concrete building! At one show, it was determined that some "anti" had gone around placing live rounds in display guns. Apparently trying to provoke an incident.

Sorry, I'm as big a gun nut as the rest, but there are some irresponsible idiots who come to gun shows. I want their guns made safe!

Yr. Obt. Svnt.

Tall Man

New member
Depends on the meaning of "illegal"...

At every PA firearms bazaar I've been in attendance at, there is a functionary at the door who will ask you if you have any weapons about your person. If you are carrying your weapon(s) in a concealed manner, you will have a choice before you:

1. Tell the truth, remove and clear your weapon(s), and have a plastic zip tie inserted into the weapon(s) in such a manner as to render them inoperative.
2. Lie, and not disclose the otherwise legal presence of your concealed firearm(s).

Should you choose #2, you can strengthen your appearance of innocence by offering to allow the functionary to search your backpack, which is of course empty in anticipation of the many goodies that you expect to purchase at this particular show.

The zit staff (read: teenagers) who usually serve in these functionary posts have, historically, never challenged anyone who replied to their query in the negative, but MAY have been telling a falsehood...

Disclaimer: I am not advocating, nor will I admit to, my experience with the scenarios as set forth above. ;)

The following represents the Tall Man's opinion only:

When on private property, carrying a weapon when you are otherwise prohibited to do so on said property would be just that: prohibited, to the extent that you can be asked to leave over non-compliance with this policy. The illegal action, in this instance, should be one's failure to vacate (now: trespassing), and not purely because you are carrying a concealed weapon. To think otherwise would be to imply that the property owner's decision to prohibit concealed carry of a firearm has the force of law.

So what about concealed carry on school grounds, Tall Man? Well, FWIW, this would appear to be an issue of 'public' private property, with the requisite legal intricacies contained therein. I believe that properly trained adult staff members should be allowed to carry weapons in a concealed manner on school property. Justification for this logic shouldn't be necessary.

Tall Man


New member
Not allowed at Big E Gunshows, West Springfield, MA

According to the signage, you are not allowed to carry concealed at our local gunshows. They always have two uniformed cops at the entrance to check. They do not inspect you, just ask. I always short-circuit them by walking right up next to them, smiling, and saying "Good morning/afternoon officers.". They also inspect any firearms brought in for private sale.

To the best on my knowledge, there has never been a problem with anyone who was licensed to carry, but they did have an AD about three (?) years ago when someone managed to load a shotgun and discharge it within the exhibition hall! I was not there for that one and kinda glad I wasn't.



New member
It was said:

"Sorry, I'm as big a gun nut as the rest, but there are some irresponsible idiots who come to gun shows. I want their guns made safe!"

So should these idiot be allowed to buy guns or be able to carry them? It amuses me that gun folks who babble about Vermont carry, the purity of the 2nd Amend, etc. then go and wet their shorts about someone carrying at a gun show.

Post a sign that you can carry but at no time should a carry gun be removed from concealment. I've seen this idea on several boards. If you argue that gun owners with CCW permits are too stupid to obey that then you are arguing for the antis. We would be too stupid to carry anywhere.

Hypocrisy, thy name is the gun owner.

If I was an anti - I would fill my ads with quotes like above and send it to every store owner that can ban CCW.
I would use it as follows:

Why have CCW in our state? Even the gun nuts fear the CCW permit holder!! Ban CCW - gun owners are with you."

Stupid in the gun show is stupid in church and is stupid in the mall.


New member
Jonpod: As a fellow VA resident, I declare my CCW at the door, let them put the plastic tie through it,close the action, holster it, and leave a magazine in my other pocket. I'm only a few seconds from a reload at that point.


New member
Seems that someone has said it is illegal in Virginia. Here in Florida, we don't have that (IMHO) ridiculous provision that allows a public place to put up signs forbidding carry and gives those signs legal weight. Here, there are specific places outlined in the law that you can't carry, and everyplace else you can. Gun shows can and will kick you out and possibly ban you from attending a show again if you are found to be carrying a loaded gun, but you won't face criminal charges.


Staff Alumnus
I do what Poodleshooter said: My Glock 23 will be a family member as long as I'm around, but it goes to shows with me. Yeah, it's tied back and openly visible in my holster...but , there's a Spyderco and a reload in my pocket.


New member
Poodleshooter is right. All the shows I have attended in the Richmond area, A police officer is at the door to check your weapon and put a tye wrap into the action. I the place my gun in its holster and back under whatever cover I am wearing that day. I also have the mag in another pocket, handy in case of need.
I have never seen any officer walk around inside the show looking for loaded CCW's, nor have I seen anyone walk thru without unloading. I have worked the entrance with VCDL and like to watch the different prople coming in. Good practice.
I have been to shows in Fredericksburg area and up around Chantilly also. Al shows seem to follow this practice. So if you have a CCW and carry at a Va. gunshow, just unload and show it to the nice officer and you can then go in and enjoy the show.
CrossEyed :cool:


New member
Gunshow CCW?

I went to the gunshow in Roanoke, Va. for the first time in 12 years. Soon after I got there I noticed a security guard excorting a man. The man was CARRYING, exercising his ccw. The guard spotted the gun. I don't know if the man pulled the gun out and cleared it to check "fit" or what...THE MAN WAS THROWN OUT. He could have taken the gun off and come back inside the show.

In our area you show your firearms to "someone" at the gate and they check it and place cord ties in the action to make sure it can not/is not loaded. I know I always let them do my guns.


New member

I would remind you, Sir, that any idiot can enter a gun show, not just CCW holders. I would have no trouble with CCW holders, BUT!

I was at one show, before there was any inspection on guns being brought into the show by the public, where some idiot unloaded his .270 by firing it into the concrete floor in the exhibition area. Great fun, that!

In another, a patron fired a .38 Special that he had been examining from a dealer's table. This was before exhibitors were required to disable their guns with cable ties. It was later determined that someone, probably an "anti," had placed .38 catridges in the cylinders of several .38/.357 guns exhibited on dealer's tables, in an apparent attempt to cause a bad sceen.

The Pawn shop next door to me has had several ADs from their customers bringing in loaded guns, and demonstrating that they are unloaded by firing them into the floor or ceiling. These same morons attend gun shows.

Your purist attitude may not allow for ANY safety measures, but, to both protect lives and prevent some very bad publicity, I support the safety measures taken at most shows.

Hypocritical? I think not!

Yr. Obt. Svnt.


New member
The question is about CCW. If you have no problem with CCW if it is clear that the gun is never to be brought out from concealment - we have no argument.

However, the other incidents seem irrelevant to that point.
A 270 is not a concealment gun. If the dealer screws up how is that relevant?

About the pawn shop - does the owner require an IQ test of his patrons? Should we have a moron test to own a gun?
Where does that stop?

Your point is that idiots handling guns make mistakes. So let us protect ourselves against idiots at the gun show.
But you are alright with idiots owning guns in general? They can AD while hunting, at the mall, at home with their kids? As long as you are safe from the idiots at the gun show - then idiots can own guns?

That doesn't make sense. My purity issue is that if we allow CCW, then it is OK everywhere with sensible signage. Otherwise, if you are saying that CCW types should be prevented from being idiots at gun shows but not elsewhere, I have a problem.

My SATs 40 years ago were pretty good. Can I carry at the Gun show?

Purity involves some risk. I still find your position contrary to a reasonable interpretation of the RKBA. You can wear a vest to avoid the idiots. Get a ceramic plate. Sir!


New member

We have no argument over CCW.

However, every gun show in my area posts signs stating "NO LOADED GUNS ALLOWED!" Now, under State law, ANY business, or property owner can prohibit CCW on his property, and violating his prohabition can result in revocation of your CCW. Yes, I do have a problem with this law, and am working to eliminate it, but until then, IT'S THE LAW!

About checking the idiots who bring their loaded "unloaded" guns to shows, I do support checking them! For two reasons. 1)My safety, and the safety of everyone else at the show. And 2)To prevent some VERY bad publicity with which the antis could smear ALL gun owners.

Yr. Obt. Svnt.