Is Clinton safe from a Bush Justice Dept?


New member
If Bush wins, the Justice Dept(A term which has been a Major oxymoron the last 8 years!)will undoubtably order new shredders on Nov 8, for the destruction of "old, unimportant" files. Whether this will get Slick and Hillary! off the hook is not certain, I would certainly hope...NOT!

Don in Ohio


New member
Remember also that clint has at least 50% of the population sympathetic to him/believe he can do no wrong.

It only takes one of these to be in the right place in the process of prosecution to destroy it. Kind of like if a cop were trying to save your a** he wouldn't read your miranda rights (yeah, that would have severe penalties for the cop; but there are subtle versions down the prosecution chain).


simon jester

New member
Lets hope NOT,stick it to'em :D

"i do believe that where there is a choice between cowardice and violence,I would advise violence" Ghandi