Is being a gun owner/shooter hazardous to your health?

Futo Inu

New member
Serious question, but I don't mean from gunshots. What I mean is, are we at significantly greater risk of cancer and other maladies from years of exposure, both through the skin and respiration, of:

1. Solvents/bore cleaners
2. Petroleum products (oils, etc.)
3. Gunsmoke/gunpowder when shooting,


What do you do to minimize exposure, if anything? Air purifiers, gloves, masks (while cleaning guns), shoot outdoors, not in, what?
Pb - lead exposure. The lead level in your blood can reach higher than normal if you fail to observe simple hygiene guidelines (wash your hands and face before you eat and don't smoke on the range, wash your range clothes afterwards and rinse off the soles of your shoes before you climb into your car) and do a lot of indoor shooting.

Heard some things about solvents and lubricants, but if you wear rubber gloves and work in a well ventilated area (I prefer the back yard), then don't worry about it.


New member
Oh man, you couldn't pay me $50 an hour to use an indoor range.

I like to wear rubber gloves and a facemask while cleaning.
Wash with soap after shooting..


It is just a matter of hygene and ventilation when working with lead. I do my casting in the garage with the door and windows open so that there is some air circulation going.

As far as the cleaning chemicals and such, keep them in the garage with all the other automotive and household chemicals.

No big deal really.

Futo Inu

New member

Nope, sorry, driving a car, playing paintball, etc. is not necessarily harmful - it may be, it may not be, depending on your luck and the care exercised. Certainly there's a RISK, but no certainty of harm. What I'm asking is, are we definitely harming our bodies over time - not just a risk of harm. Note to self: quit shooting in crappy unventilated indoor ranges, and only clean guns with air purifier running. I don't cast bullets, so not too worried about lead, though washing your hands etc, after shooting and cleaning is a good idea in any event. I purt' well wash my clothes after each use anyway, despite what you may have heard. :)

Christopher II

New member
It's probably a good idea to have a blood assay done once a year or so, just to keep an eye on the Pb level. Talk to your doctor.

Of course, wash your hands and face before eating, be careful with solvents, ventilation, etc. But don't get too hung up on things. No one gets out alive, neh?

- Chris


New member
I will take reasonable precautions... like washing hands and all that, but I won't make any radical lifestyle changes...

I gotta die of something... and I am gonna enjoy my life while I am here...

Shooting is a big part of that life... and if I get to shoot often enough, I consider it a "quality" life...

should it end a bit sooner because of it,oh well... did I enjoy the years on Earth that I DO have? you betcha... and I shot my guns as often as I could...

THAT'LL make for a good life!

Shoot straight!


New member
Shooting is definitely bad for my health. All the smoke in the clubhouse after my shooting sessions can't be good. ;)
Only if you listen to the bull**** spewed by the antis.

The solvents and other chemicals used in firearms recreation sports are no more dangerous than a lot of other chemicals (paints and thinners, for instance) used in other hobbies.

Some of the solvents used in some hobbies, such as furniture refinishing, are downright nasty as anything.

Lead exposure is a small concern, but quite frankly so is living in a home built before 1978, especially if you intend to strip/scrape paint inside or out prior to repainting. Why? Lead in paint was banned in 1978.

Mercury in paint was only banned a couple of years ago.


New member
There are worse things, like eating fish from the Gulf of Mexico, going to tanning parlors, eating margerine (no kidding, the trans fatty acids are like sludge in the arteries), living in a Democratic majority congressional district. All these things will take years off your life.