Is America REALLY that strong?


New member
Along with the tread on the addition loss of freedoms I have been wondering just how strong is America?

Is it strength to further erode people's rights and freedoms, in the name of "security," "protection," and "safety"?

I'd say not.

Bob Locke (of this thread expressed it quite well when he said,
I think the question needs to be asked in the opposite direction:

How many lives could have been saved if one or more people on those planes had been armed and able to take out the hijackers?

Maybe we need to work toward restoring our rights, in particular the right to defend ourselves and our families.

True, I believe we have the resources to ferret out those who orchestrated this attack, and in that we are strong, but I also believe that this attack has made us weaker.

Already talk of "tighter" security, stricter monitoring of communications, and the like are surfacing in the wake of this unprecedented attack.

Emotions are high and generally people will grasp at anything that will give them a "sense" of security, especially when they are weak in inner security. What I see happening is that they will grasp these measures in desperation, and we will all be the worse for it.

True, America will never be the same after this event, but which direction we go, toward true strength by empowering the people or toward further weakening by empowering government over the daily activities of our lives, will be the telling tale of the real attititude and desire of the American people.


New member
I agree with much of what you say, I think we have
become a nation of victims, call 911 for everything and if you do help yourself expect
to be punished for it. Children are now taught
from birth mother government will care for you.

I am somewhat suprised at the reactions to this
event, people were suprised, what can we expect,
we refuse to protect our borders, our immigration
policy is a mess.We have people who hate the US
therefore we must have a "common sense" approach
to who comes here and why.

Yes, we are going to lose more freedom over this
no doubt.I do hope this is a wake up call for
"all" of us to become more strong,be fair but
protect our country and be proud of that.