Is a Garand an Assault Rifle?

Mike Kilo Niner

New member
Before everyone jumps down my throat -- I understand the "two evil features" rule under federal law. But how about state laws where "assault weapons" are banned? Is an M1 Garand a named rifle that can no longer be bought in California, for example?

I'll be moving to the Northeast in a few months, and would like to know what I can keep and what has to go.


New member

For Democrats to classify it as an assault rifle, it has to meet these 3 requirements:

1)Black in color

2)Used often in cheesy action movies

3)look scary while being fired from the hip

The Garand does not qualify.


New member
Assault Rifle:

Must be less than 42"
have a pistol grip
accept detatchable mags
and have at least 2 of the following
1. bayo
2. flashhider
3. threaded barrel
4. grenade launcher
5. folding stock

am I forgetting anything?


New member

It must be used to assault someone. Otherwise it just looks like an assault rifle.

A Winchester 30-30 is an assault rifle if you use it for that purpose.

Sorry...just feeling a little touchy today :eek:



New member

Does that mean you can put a bayo lug on an M1A?

It's a little more than 42", isn't it? (well, 43. . . )


Mike Kilo Niner

New member
Cool, thanks for the replies. I'm sure it's only a matter of time until the pinhead congress-critters decide that it's too evil for us subjects to own, too. At least they'd all be pre-ban, right? :)


New member
I haven't gone back and checked, but I think that if your semiauto rifle accepts a detachable magazine and has a pistol grip, that having ONE more of the items listed by Fireforged makes it a defined assault rifle. Anyone have the federal definition handy?

MP Freeman

New member
It's almost pathetic that we don't know. But that's what we get. We're the very people who should be in the know when it comes to a few gun laws. But the problem is that there are just way too many laws. The F-troop doesn't even know all the various infringements.

I would not recommend that you sell or give away your firearms when moving to the new area. As you probably can and should keep them.



New member
In California now, an AW is a self loading rifle with a detachable magazine and one other evil feature. Since the Garand has an internal magazine, it's good to go.

Also, a M1A with a muzzle brake replacing the flash suppressor and bayonet lug eliminated is peachy.


New member
Something the Germans thought up:

Assault Weapon/Rifle has to be:

1) Cheap to manufacture
2) Intermediate cartridge (not pistol, not battle rifle)
3) select fire (full auto capable)
4) Light weight (lighter than battle rifle)
5) ??? forgot sorry ??? magazine fed??


New member
Absolutely not. They are peace preservation weapons that allow federal and state congresscritters, and citizens, to act against the document they have sworn to protect. These items prevent the same thing happening to them that happens everyday to people that lived in the USSR under Stalan, Lenin and a host of others. We can also add the PRC and Chairman Mao to this list. There are a host of other countries that will qualify also, definitely Cambodia. It's time to label these objects for exactly what they are and the reason for being labeled this way.


New member

Which state in the Northeast are you moving too? CT has an assault rifle ban of some sort, and I think NY passed one recently as well. But I don't know the details are of either of them. MA doesn't have one (yet). And ME, NH, and VT are free of such laws as well.



New member
Which state? Makes a big difference. In "the northeast" laws range from Vermont's "whatever you like" absence of regulation to New York City's "up to 30 days in jail for mere possession of a toy pistol" (no, I'm not kidding!) hysterical prohibitions.

Mike Kilo Niner

New member
M1911 and ctdonath:

Possibly New York or Connecticut at this point. Chicago is another possibility (though not considered "Northeast" from most parts of the country). I'd like to be able to get a DCM Garand no matter where I end up, but wasn't sure if some state laws forbid them. The concensus seems to be that they aren't evil enough to ban (yet). :rolleyes:

But like I said earlier -- wouldn't they all be "prebans" anyway? :p

[edited for smilie misspelling]


New member
NY, CT, or IL? All I can say is "ugh!" Don't think you'll have a problem getting an Garand in any of those jurisdictions. Note that in some places in NY and CT, you'll be able to get a carry permit (discretionary licensing). But there no carry permits at all in IL.



New member
Well, I think Audie Murphy, were he around to tell...

or any other WWII infantryman would say, "Hell yes. It's a pretty dang good one!" ;)



New member
Ask any 2nd world war vet from Germany or Japan. They will tell you it is one hell of an assult weapon. The Garand is one of the best weapons ever made. Enjoy yours!

Doc Hudson

New member
Just wait.

One day the gun grabbers will learn that in 1875, the Trapdoor Springfield in .45-70-505 was considered to be one of the top Assault Rifles of the day.

Doc Hudson