Irritated with myself.

chris in va

New member
I do this all the time. Get a great gun, then after a while it starts sitting in the safe more and more. Next latest/greatest comes down the line and while I SWEAR I'll never get rid of it, it gets put under consideration for a sale to fund the next.

Did this with my Saiga conversion, Sig 220 and now my CZ 527 carbine.

But I really want that CZ 97BD!:rolleyes:


New member
I've done this too. I think most of us have at point or another.

I lusted after a SA M1A for years. About a year and a half ago I finally bought one. Took it to the range twice and has been in the safe ever since. Every once in a great while I think about selling it or trading up to a few of the guns that have since caught my eye. What stops me however, is that I know as soon as I get rid of it, all I'm going to think about is "damn, I wish I still had that M1A!!" :p


New member
I would have to agree that my 527M carbine ain't going anywhere!:eek::cool:

Hey, buy what you want to use/need/makes you happy, then post pics here!;)


New member
simple solution is to change your rules...

I'd suggest the rule: never get rid of a gun... this not only solves your problem but eventually will possibly slow down your purchases..... it sure did mine.


Active member
Most of my guns sit in my safe most of the time. I guess I don't have any problem with this. I know that 90% of the time when I buy a gun, it's mostly going to sit in my safe. Since I know that already, I have no disappointment. They stay there nice, clean, and safe, and I can take them out and fondle them any time I want.:D


New member
I've done this, too.

My P220 was my favorite semi-auto for eleven years, right up to the point when I got my CCW and realized it wasn't a very comfortable IWB. I've since sold it to my atemi ryu instructor (who is also a buddy).

My preferred pocket carry for a couple years was a Kahr PM9. Then I discovered how much easier it was to pocket carry a 442. Not as flat as the PM9, but its shape doesn't print as much. And I shoot the 442 as well as I shot the PM9, so... the PM9 now belongs to my atemi ryu instructor's wife.

For a while, I was on a big CZ75 kick. Great gun, but there are others I like as well for shooting, and better for carry. My best friend shot it one day at the range, and scored bullseye after bullseye. I could tell he just loved the gun, so it became his birthday present that year.

Got a Glock 21 to try my hand at GSSF. I liked the GSSF crowd, but found that the G21, while reliable and accurate, seemed to have been designed just to annoy me. Trigger guard shape and my hand fit in just such a way as to bruise my middle finger's knuckle every time I shot it. I highly recommend Glocks, as far as function goes, but they just don't do it for me due to physiological constraints. The G21 ended up as a trade-in at my LGS.

My DW CBOB is safe from any future sales, but I find it easier to quickly reload a double stack magazine.... didn't realize this until I got into IDPA recently. I perform better under move and shoot conditions with an M&P than the 1911. Heresy, I know... but I've never been one to argue with actual results.

We'll see how long my M&Ps last... so far, though, they are doing well.

I don't worry about it overly much. As Ralph Waldo Emerson put it, " A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines."


New member
Problem is, eventually you either sell some, or else get a bigger safe.

I've sold some, and still have to get a bigger safe...