Iraq will self destruct in 10....9....


New member
We lost when we decided to stay after 6 months, it hard to defeat an enemy
when he fights based on religion. We continue the same mistakes over and
over, etc.

Te Anau

New member
The Arab/Muslim world is a lost cause as long as they expend all their energy fighting each other and the entire world.This has been going on for centuries.Iraq can go to h*** as far as Im concerned.


New member
Iraq may well become the most stable country in the Middle East. Iran, things are headed for a show down and I don't like it much. I would prefer to let the European countries deal with Iran. I doubt that they can.

What will it take to awaken the western world to the danger? A nuclear explosion in the US or Israel. You know what will happen then..... Iran will become a nuclear wasteland. Everyone will be dead except for pockets in the mountains.
Anyone think there's real merit to the predictions of War with Iran by year's end? Talk about hitting the fan...:eek:

Don't we already have special forces cross the border?


New member
What will it take to awaken the western world to the danger? A nuclear explosion in the US or Israel. You know what will happen then..... Iran will become a nuclear wasteland. Everyone will be dead except for pockets in the mountains.

What makes you think that anyone still has the nerve to do that? Israel has been overrun by touchy-feely leftists who couldn't even do what was necessary to root out Hizballah, too busy pandering to an international community that would slam them even if they had to make up lies to do it.


New member
I think our biggest mistake, where Iraq is concerned, is in believing that a nation full of Islamic people would embrace democracy. Islam, as it is being practiced in the Middle East, is contrary to democracy, as well other measures that involve personal freedoms. There may be individual Muslims who would embrace democracy, but the populace as a whole and those who wield power in that part of the world do not. They hated Saddam and are glad he's gone, but they probably do not want a democracy and are not socially equipped for a stable nation that grants personal freedoms.


New member
I think our biggest mistake, where Iraq is concerned, is in believing that a nation full of Islamic people would embrace democracy. Islam, as it is being practiced in the Middle East, is contrary to democracy, as well other measures that involve personal freedoms. There may be individual Muslims who would embrace democracy, but the populace as a whole and those who wield power in that part of the world do not. They hated Saddam and are glad he's gone, but they probably do not want a democracy and are not socially equipped for a stable nation that grants personal freedoms.

Exactly right. Most people in the West don't realize what how different most Middle Eastern countries are. While everyone the world round is of course motivated by individual considerations, Middle Easterners are bound by family, tribal and religions customs in ways that no one who hasn't seen things up close can appreciate.


The Bush strategy for Iraq is brilliant and the Iraqis appear to be playing right into it. We go in, topple Saddam. Why not, he tried to kill the Presidents Daddy. Gotta get even and he did. So far, so good. We occupy the country with an inadequate number of troops, knowing they have generations of hatred for each other combined with tribal and family scores to settle that go back generations. The Bush recipe is complete and we’ve created an ideal environment for them to start killing each other in increasing numbers, which they start doing. Again, so far, so good. They’re killing each other, and every day there are fewer of them for us to manage. Here’s where the genius of the man really shines – eventually there won’t be any of them left and we’ll have won. Victory is ours, all we have to do is wait them out.