Iowa gun laws


New member
Hey folks... It is possible that for the next several years I will in fact end up in Iowa, so I was wondering what is the status of gun rights there? Can I get regular capacity mags for pistols, or pistols chambered in 10mm..... basically everything I want to own but can't since I'm surrounded by communists.


Well, since the "Oh-my-GOD-we-have-so-many-homicides-in-our-country-people-need-to-have-MORE-guns-in-order-to-protect-themselves-Republicans have majority in Iowa you may have your gun...:rolleyes:


New member
You can't own full auto weapons, destructive devices, or incendiery ammo. Other than that, it is not too bad.

CCW permits are issued at the whim of the County Sheriff, and some of the larger Metropolitan type areas make it tough to get one. Democrats, don'tcha know.

No stupid castrated mag limits, other than what's covered under Federal law. No waiting periods for purchase. Pistol purchases require a Pistol Purchase Permit, which is easy to get at the Sheriff's office, costs ten bucks, good for a year and any number of purchases. No one gun a month stuff. No storage requirements. No fingerprinting. No registration, other than the 4473(?). Private sales are private. No approved gun lists.

Lots of gunshows. They actually sell guns and ammo.


New member
No fingerprinting

That may vary by county. When I applied for my handgun purchase permit 2 years ago, I was fingerprinted at the sheriff's office. But, that was in the People's Republic of Johnson County (Iowa City). I believe the sheriff's office there adds restrictions and procedures beyond what the law says, just because they think the citizens (subjects) of their county shouldn't own the means of self-defense. Don't even think of getting a CCW there, either.

Do yourself a favor and stay away from Johnson County and the ultra-liberal, socialist, if-it-feels-good-legislate-it, idiots who live there. :barf:

EDIT: after glancing at your profile, you wouldn't be heading to the Iowa Law School would you? If so, let me know--I just finished up there last May.


New member
It's a real shame that federal farm subsidies have turned otherwise conservative folks into died-in-the-wool liberals. Look at the legislators elected from midwest farm states: Daschle, Feingold, Gephardt, Durbin, the late Paul Wellstone...

At least Iowa has limited-issue CCW. I recall reading somewhere that there were over 20,000 permit holders in IA. Any confirmation of this?


New member
Iowa needs shall issue. I really wanna fight for this. I'm finally getting my finances under control to the point where I can start to dream about doing something. I'd love to form some sort of civil liberties group based around self-defense and privacy agendas. I'm probably too young and not charismatic enough to get something like that put together though...


New member
GnL.... you guessed it. Iowa is one of 4 schools that I'm trying to decide between. Talking to law school reps is like talking to a car salesman, so I'd love some real info.


New member
The Iowa City/Coralville area is EXTREMELY liberal, and probably has the most socialist parking system in the country(which as a result basically doesn't work, and costs everyone a fortune).

We'd be happy to have you in Iowa, but there's better parts of Iowa to live in than that area, despite that area being very scenic.


New member
There are no Iowa state restrictions on guns, mags, etc., beyond the Federal limitations.

You can purchase a long gun in Iowa with a standard NICS check. You need a Purchase Permit to buy a handgun. This permit is issued by the Sheriff of your county of residence, and is really an annual background check for felonies, etc. With the permit, you can purchase handguns or long guns without a NICS check, no waiting, just show the permit and your drivers license. The permit takes 2 business days, costs $11, and is good for a year.

As far as CCW, Iowa is a may-issue state at the discretion of the Sheriff of your county. Policies vary greatly from county to county. Polk County (Des Moines and suburbs) was basically a "not-issue" county under the previous sheriff. The current sheriff ran on a shall-issue platform, and issues a CCW to anyone who clears the background check and passes a CCW course from an approved trainer.

The University of Iowa is in Iowa City, which is in Johnson County, which doesn't even like to issue purchase permits, but they have to under state law. My understanding is that the Johnson County Sheriff's Office routinely notifies the University of any purchase permits issued to faculty and staff.

If you put all the counties of Iowa on a political spectrum, Johnson County would be the one on the far left. Iowa City is the midwestern version of Boulder and Berkley.