Involved in a police standoff yeaterday (long)


New member
Thursday afternoon a co-worker Bryan and myself got involved in a police standoff. We were working at a house in a small rural community (less than 100 people) when we noticed a county deputy and a Texas DPS trooper go by with lights and siren going. The deputy kept going but the Trooper stopped and got the road spikes out of the trunk and put them in the back seat. I told Bryan they must be after some one ot they were taking down another Meth lab somewhere. We kinda shrugged it off and went back to work. I had parked my telephone company van in the driveway about 12 feet from the rear bumper of the customers truck and gooseneck trailer. I was walking back to the protector (phone box) on the side of the house and we hear the sirens again. Suddenly there is a boom and a thud and a late 80's model Cougar with no right front tire stops about 15 feet from us in the front yard. Then every cop car in two counties box this guy in.

Thinking this doesnt look good, the homeowner, Bryan and I go inside the house to get out of the way. Bad move. As we walk by the large window in the livingroom I hear GET OUT OF THE CAR then DROP THE GUN!!! DROP THE GUN. Looking out the window I am basically looking over this fools shoulder at an AR-15, two 12 guage shotguns, and at least four pistols, and that is what I saw in the 3 seconds I stood there flat footed. We immediately un@ssed the AO.

We go about three houses down out of the line of fire. I'm thinking I want as many brick walls between me and them as possible. We sit and watch for the next 30 minutes as the deputies and DPS troopers talk to the guy. We find out later he has a pistol tucked under his chin (looked like one of those cheap Hi-Point 9mm)and has pulled the trigger twice but it didnt go off. Found out later it didnt go all the way into battery when he racked the slide. I see a plain clothes officer arrive with a long barrel rifle of some kind and think have they called in a sniper? As all of this is going on one of the Troopers is using my van as cover as he aims his shotgun at the guy. He told me later it sure was starting to get heavy.

A few minutes later we hear a soft "Thoomp" and see the officers rush the car. They get him out and have him stuffed and cuffed quickly. The long barreled gun was a 37mm Less Lethal Rifle that shoots a rubber and plastic slug that looks kinda like a duck call. They shot him in the shoulder and stunned him then took him down.

It all started in the small town down the road as a domestic disturbance call about a strange acting man with a gun at a beauty shop. He had pointed his gun at the local officer who couldnt take a shot because of the occupied beauty shop and a day care center at that location. A chase then ensued and ended in the yard of the house we were working at after he ran over the tire spikes.

We all had a causal conversation with most of the officers involved afterward but no one ask us for our names or anything else. I guess if this didnt turn out the way it did that would not have been the case. I'm still trying to figure out how he got between my van and that truck without hitting either one of them or us. I was standing in the spot his car came to rest in not 10 seconds before all this broke loose. I guess the good Lord was watching over us all yesterday.

[This message has been edited by Gopher (edited June 30, 2000).]


New member
Holy :eek: s*** man! Good thing you put those 10 seconds between you and the Cougar. I kind of know the feeling. A while back a friend and I were traveling along I-40 in NC. We were just cruising along, heading home, minding our business. We were in a fairly long straight and were almost to the point where the interstate curved uphill and the East and West-bound lanes were divided by a grove of pines when I noticed an unusual amount of blue lights rounding the curve at my 10:00 position. I first thought maybe it was a funeral procession (???) because the State Veterans Cemetary was just up the road from our location, but I quickly negated that notion when a yellow 70's model Oldsmobile made what appeared to be a 90 degree turn into the median. At first I thought, Aahhh COOL, but when I realized that the Oldsmobile and several NCSHP, Buncombe Co., and Asheville PD cruisers(dirt and grass rooster tails and all) were headed directly into my 70 mph path of travel I thought Oh CRAP (insert stronger expletive here). I manged to get whoa'd down enough so as not to be 10-43 (in pursuit) as well. They finally got the suspect stopped about a mile up the road. While we waited for the Troopers to clear the interstate, I had ample time to remove the vinyl seat of my truck from the fleshy seat of my rear. Glad to hear it turnd out okay for you though!


Admit Nothing,
Deny Everything,
Make Counter Accusations

[This message has been edited by Medic (edited June 30, 2000).]


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>It all started in the small town down the road as a domestic disturbance call about a strange acting man with a gun at a beauty shop.[/quote]

Guess he wasn't happy with his "do"??? :D :D :D