introducing women to shooting


New member
I guess I suck at using the search and picking keywords cuz I just couldn't find what I was looking for though I would bet it's been covered before.

I have a friend that I went to high school with and she recently mentioned she took a women's self defense class (just to be avoid confusion I'm a man). so I asked if she'd ever given any thought to getting a handgun and a CWP. She is going to give some thought to taking some firearms classes and looking into guns and a permit so basically I'm trying to find ANYTHING to do with new women shooters and women only classes and clubs particularly in the boise ID area where she lives as well as any other websites and info I can pass around to all the other women I know.

like many of you I'm very dedicated to getting as many people involved in the shooting sports as I can and women are probably more likely to get involved through other women than though men and women have a large impact over weather their children and families get involved in shooting as well so I'm hoping if I can open that door to a few ladies then they'll tell their friends ans so on and will have a larger impact than getting a few guys involved that more than likely would have eventually anyway. thanks in advance and I look forward to the responses.

Evan Thomas

New member
Number one best starting place: The Cornered Cat, which is the web site of TFL's own Pax (Kathy Jackson). There's a ton of information for women shooters, women thinking about becoming shooters, and also for men who want to help them. :)


New member
"Teaching Women to Shoot " by Vicki Farnam
That's different than teaching men - they are different you know !


New member
mete said:
"Teaching Women to Shoot " by Vicki Farnam
That's different than teaching men - they are different you know !

This is very true. Women have much better minute muscle control than men do, but men have a a better spacial intelligence (the ability to grasp distance, size, angles, etc). So men can judge a distance better but women can hold their gun more still :D


New member
plus us guys think we know everything already whereas women are usually more willing to listen and pay attention.

thanks guys I'll give this a look-see and figure out what to do with it.

for a while I was kicking around the idea of moving back to my hometown and opening a gunshop with the ultimate goal of having an indoor range and free beginners classes with some women-only classes and hopefully finding a female instructor or a female who would be willing to become certified to be an instructor to head up the women's only stuff among other programs. it's a dream thats not dead but it has taken a back burner until I get out of debt and get a nestegg and maybe someone to go in with me.
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Uncle Ben

New member
Sounds like some great plans Bighoss. Anytime you can introduce another person (especially a woman) into this sport/defensive world, it is a victory in my mind.

big bug

New member
women spouse shooters

Ever since my wife got involved with shooting she is the one dragging me to the range....hmmm...our ammo costs have just quadrupled.....


New member
There is a program in Michigan called Becoming an Outdoor Woman that is administered by the DNR. Maybe your F&G Dept does something similar. Sent my wife a couple of times, she loved it.

Bob F.

New member
Dang!! Took Vanya 7 minutes to answer. Y'all slippin', but that was, of course, the perfect answer.
