Intratec Tec-Dc9 Assault Pistol


New member
Ok, I know, I'm all over the road in asking questions on Semi-Autos. In the last two weeks I've asked about Walthers, Sigs, H&Ks, Berettas and now I walk into a place and there is this used Pre-Ban 9mm Tec-Dc9 w/ 32 rnd mag. I'm thinking CCCOOOLLL. I'm like a kid in a candy shop, trying to decide what I want. When I think I know what that is a new shiny object catches my eye. I gotta stop visiting all these different shops. To many things being added to the list and no where near enough money.

Sorry for blabing- to my usual question. Tec-Dc9, Good or bad. Have absolutely no experience with these types of pistols but I'm thinking they must be fun as hell to shoot.

Thanks for putting up with all the questions.

P.S. I think I'm driving my wife crazy as well. ;)


New member
The short answer: They suck.

The slightly longer answer: These types of guns are nearly useless for anything other than making noise and wasting money that could be spent on being a better shooter, i.e., buying practice ammo for a serious gun. BTW There is no such thing as an "assault pistol". Just be glad you didn't already plop the cash down on it ;)


New member
its a 'must have' if you are planning on becoming a gangbanger or looking for a spot in the hippety-hoppety-rippety-crappety-rap world.
i am not so proud as to admit having the AA Arms AP-9, which is nearly identical to the tec-9, with some minor cosmetic differences, as well as a sturdier construction. the 20-rd magazines jam up if more than 10 rounds are loaded. not very accurate, but younger kids at the range like the futuristic look of it.


New member
The only person comitting an "assault" with a Tec-9 is the person selling it. -I suppose it could do some damage if it fell on your head.

Rockrivr1, If I may suggest, try using the "search" function located in the top right corner and enter whatever gun name you are interested in. You will be able to access a wealth of information on just about any gun commonly manufactured.


New member
I've heard from many that these are "bang, bang, click..." type guns. Basically, they're a look-good, feel-bad kind of deal.

For a pistol, go with a more conventional design.

If you want a sub-machinegun type setup, look into buying an UZI clone. It's a good design and there's quite a few good parts out there.


New member
Troy- where you live in MA? I'm in the same state as you and would let you try mine out if you want and we are close enough.
I have an original Tec 9, stainless, why? i don't know. Looked cool at the time I guess.
The mags work fine, but they are an incredible pain to get to seat. I think the mags dig up the polymer in the mag well and cause the mag to have problems seating where it is supposed to. The barrel comes out to be about all of 2.5 inches.
Is it amusing? Yes, does it work? most of the time.
The secret is to load up your own 9mms, load them hot, and use primers that are soft, can't use the winchester gold ones, ends up like the problems I have with my glock 17, click, click, to light a hit on those harder primers.
CCI or federal primers, no problem.
for the money and the amusement in this style gun, the mac 10 is far superior. (although it has a much worse trigger pull)


New member
Thanks everyone for the heads up on this and I appreciate the offer Mattjoe. I live in the Framingham area myself. If your ever looking for someone to go shooting with, let me know.

After all the bad comments on this gun, I've already crossed it off my list of potential buys.

I'm not all that young but the look of it did happen to catch my eye and as usual the sales guy couldn't find one bad thing to say about it when he saw me looking at it. (Gee, there's a surprise) I'm glad there's a place like this to find out the real truth.

CWL - Thanks for the advice on the search function. I'll use it going forward.

I appreciate the feedback.


New member
That's Odd

I like mine a lot. I've owned it since December of 1986. Guess I just got lucky or else maybe their quality was legislated out of existence? Guns & Ammo did a write up on the Tec-9 just before I bought it and the only problem they reported was with the rubber buffer which prevents the bolt from slamming the rear of the pistol coming unglued. According to them it glued back on and was good to go. Mine hasn't come loose. G&A recommended it as a good buy and did not report any misfeeds.

It's time consuming to reload for so I only break it out once a year anymore. I used to shoot it a lot more in the beginning but it takes me a whole day to load up for 5 minutes worth of shooting on my single stage press and besides I've gravitated toward non-punk calibers since those days.

I bought the accessory kit with 3-36 round mags, barrel attachments, and carry case. I love that 18" flash suppressor thinggie but the recoil suppression attachment is crap, it works, I just don't like the fit. In stock form mine is black with the tiny barrel and 20 round mag. I've customized a nylon carry strap which would allow me to carry it under a coat like a womans purse hung over the shoulder if desired (but I don't), it takes no longer to bring into action than drawing a normal gun.

I used the sights once to hit a 2" target at 35 paces. But reading your hits and shooting from the hip is way too much fun to bother with aiming. :D

Mine operates very well with any load. Though using reduced loads and cast bullets is best as this increases the cyclic rate. This way the bolt only recoils back far enough to pick up the next round, any further bolt travel wastes time. Plus the gun should last forever shooting this way.

It does misfeed when using a Hellfire trigger attachment . Then it pretty much jams after every 8 or 10 round (per second) burst. I'd wager solid money on being able to empty out all 129 shots I am capable of loading into my magazines without a jam otherwise. And that in well under one minute.

Yup, it is excellent for use against gangs. But you don't have to be in one to own one. I won't call mine an assault pistol, more of a HOME DEFENSE PISTOL. Cops hate them, but then wouldn't you if you were being forced to invade someone's home?

My oldest kid bought one of the newer models. He has the 5" barrel and has owned it for a good 4 years now. I asked him how he liked it after he'd had it a couple years and the only regret he mentioned was that he wished he'd gotten the short barrel like mine.

Sorry if I've confused you but these guns are relatively inexpensive and I think it'd be a shame if you miss out on experiencing how much fun this style of firearm is due the much higher cost of similar pistols. I don't doubt the experience of others here, it's a mystery to me why our opinions vary, but if you don't like it and resell it a couple months down the road what have you lost?


New member
I have an AB10

One of the first guns I got, just because it was "cool".
True, there is no "practical" use for them. But, for someone who can't afford or own a Real subgun they're good.
I've shot 1000 rounds of wolf, plus about another 800 rounds of Win, and reloaded Win. through it, no stoppages at all.
Then I got my MAC. Burrrrrrrrrp = $7.00!
Before I let anyone shoot it, they shoot the Tec first.


New member
BTW There is no such thing as an "assault pistol".

IIRC, the same legislation that defines a 'assault rifle' also defines an 'assault pistol.'


New member
Thanks for the information. Actually the gun dealer called it an assault pistol, which is why I put that term in the header.

To be honest, I know virtually nothing about them. It took me a while to learn what I know about my wheel guns. Now that I've started shooting semi-autos, I'm learning as much as I can about them and the options available through most producers.

Who knows where my interest will go from there. Rifles, Shotguns, Fully Auto (Which will be a big pain, seeing the Mass laws in regards to getting a permit for one)

Figure I'll be dead before I come even close to knowing half the stuff some of the guys in this forum know.

Thanks again everyones for the input. I'm actually back online with getting a "traditional" Semi-Auto for now. Figure I'll stay with one catagory type weapon at a time until I get proficiant with it.


New member
Foxy- Like I said, no such thing ;) If legislation defines it it doesn't necessarily make it a true and accurate description. For example, my state has legislation against "Chinese throwing stars". There is no such thing as those weapons were actually Japanese. But they get around that by defining what a "Chinese throwing star" is exactly. I wonder where some of these legislators get their information...


New member
I'm thinking they must be fun as hell to shoot.

You are quite right about that...

I purchased a 1993-94 model Tec-DC9 Stainless on impulse knowing full well that it was not practical for anything but plinking and expending large amounts of ammo..... But hey, at least it looked cool, and Since our politicians said that they were evil, it was my way of giving them the finger....:)

First few times out it was most definately a jam-o-matic and i was quite bummed. So I took it home and broke it down and cleaned it like crazy, then I polished the feed ramp with a dremel and some jewelers rouge till It shined like a mirror. Then oiled it like it was a late model chevette in need of a ring job... Back to the range I went and tried again. What a tremendous difference! I still had few misfeeds. then I realized they were all occuring in the same aftermarket 32 round mag.... switched to the factory original 32 rounder and let it loose..... no jams, coughs, sputters, clicks.. Fired Like a champ.... I have easily put 1000 or more mostly rapid fire rounds through it since and not one single failure of any kind... I dont shoot it as often as I used to cause a $10.00 box of winchester white box goes mighty quick through it, but when I take a new friend to the range, I'll let em try a few mags full and it always leaves them smiling....:D :D

FWIW They are far from perfect but i think they get more flak then they deserve....


New member
I picked up one of the Tec-9m's (mini Tec-9) back in the 80s. It was cheap, looked interesting, so I went for it. Functionally, it operates fine. Not very accurate. Sights suck. As a "pistol" it is not a very good weapon. Virtually any handgun will be easier to aim, fire and reload. For something to throw bullets down range, it fits the bill adequately.

Still have mine, primarily because the government says it is evil, therefore, it must have some redeeming qualities.


New member
The mags work fine, but they are an incredible pain to get to seat.

Forgot to mention that i had this problem too, but soon discovered that if you just smack it up into the mag well with authority then pull down slightly (as per manuals instruction) that i havent had a problem since... chambering a round after inserting a new mag also seemed to improve when I got a bit more aggressive with racking the bolt too...

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
I've only tried them at a range. Awkward, hard to cock, not very accurate (6" group at 7 yards...and roughly 6" down and right from point of aim).


New member
Certainly agree that as a practical firearm they are very awkward unless fired from the hip... and good lord is it heavy when loaded... 4+ pounds...

:eek: :eek:


New member
I have a buddy who has one... Lots of fun to shoot, usually quits working half way through a range session.

Wanna talk about a FUN looking gun that's actually dependable?
The Feather RAV9 is always spoken of fondly. Since this new group bought the parts for the Feather (formerly the AT9) they've made some upgrades, and customer service is AMAZING! Still just a fun gun though.

With your username, I'm surprised you're not saving for a RRA 9mm upper :)


New member
I'll second Onslaught's suggestion. I own a RAV-9MM and it is fun as he!! to shoot. Lots of attachements and customizations.

Probably a bit more pricier than a Tec-9 tho.