Intesting day at the range with the ladies

Guy B. Meredith

New member
Good friends from Anaheim, CA visited this weekend and we spent Saturday at the Chabot Gun Club ( in Castro Valley.

The friend and hubby hadn't shot in quite a while and my wife, Julie, hadn't shot in about 8 years. After a short period to make sure everyone was safe and getting their shooting in I gave attention to Julie to get her back up to speed.

I am very much aware that Julie has a way about her where she ignores information and tackles things in her own way. In the case of riding bicycles she just has to go through the pain of what happens when you don't take advice and grind her own way along until she "gets it" in her own time.

However, I was completely nonplussed when Julie did the same thing with the revolver. She kept shifting her way of gripping the butt to find something comfortable. For a while she held the butt like a baseball bat. :scrutiny:

I showed her the "correct" grip and she moved her hands around until she gripped the butt with one hand, put the other over the top and used the first finger of the hand on top to pull the trigger. :uhoh:

I again demonstrated the "correct" grip and she again went off and did her own thing.

Normally I think we would all jump in and work it until the grip is "correct". The problem is that at 15 yards she was doing better than what I was seeing on the other targets at 7 yards and 15 yards. This gave me pause to think that maybe I should not totally disregard her approaches and decided to sit back and see what would develop all the while providing an example of "correct" as I shot. :confused: Besides, too much criticism might be counterproductive.

By the way, my friend's hubby is a pretty good shot and the friend put a lot of the "boys" to shame despite not having shot in years.

Can't wait until the next range trip...
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