interpeting statistics


New member
according to the US census bureau, as of 7/1/2001, the us population was 284,796,887, as shown here:

so if we take the reported 2,000,000 odd cases of firearms being used successfully as self defense, lets do some hypothesizing. if that was 2 million DIFFERENT people who only used a gun once to defend themselves in that one year period, that would put 1 out of 142 people in this country that have reported using a firearm in self defense.

now if we take the high estimate of gunowners in this country, put at 80,000,000, that makes 1 out of 40 gunowners that defended themselves.
how about the low estimate, i've seen 30,000,000 used before. 1 out of 15 is the estimate there.

what about crime? according to the bureau of justice ( during 2000, us residents aged 12 and older experienced 25,900.000 crimes. of these, only 24% were violent crimes (75% were property crimes). that gives us about 6.5 million violent crimes. we have to assume that at least some of those crimes were committed by the same person.

it may seem (to the sheeple anyway) that only a small impact has been made by gunowners to deter crime. but it can only be a step in the right direction.


New member
Ah, fun with numbers!

2,000,000 crime prevention incidents due to private gun owners.
6,500,000 violent crimes not prevented.
8,500,000 total violent crimes

23.5% of them were prevented by 30 to 80 million gun owners.
10.5% of Americans are gun owners on the 30 million low side

If 44.7% of Americans owned guns instead of 30 million presently, would they (numbering 127 million) stop ALL violent crimes?

Let's try it...! :D


New member

you get the 2 million crimes prevented number from? SOunds awful high to me (no flames please!)


New member
i dont have the statistics, but someone else must know where that figure came from. its been widely reported, and it may seem like a high number, but i'd like to believe it.