Internet hunting!


New member
Wow. I was gonna call you a few names and remind you of the computer game "deer hunter"...Then I read that. and then re-read it cuz i thought it was a joke. Thats outrageous, and I dont hunt (not against it, just rather be in bed :p )
Honestly though, Id love to see the systems and software to make this possible :)

Andrew who is also in the Pittsburgh area.

Greg R

New member
I exchanged a few e-mails with the guy when he first announced this to let him know that myself and most of the other Texas hunting writers were against him. I really did not think it would go anywhere, but I see he is really doing it. I am in the process of writing an editorial column about it now, but as much as I hate to say it, I hope they outlaw it. He gives all hunters a black eye.


New member
This guy needs to find a real life......and a job.........

I bet this guy has a cyber love doll in a nearby city..... What a joke....

Hope this all gets axed before it gets this nut another dollar......

Just my 2 cents....... ;)


New member
Legislation is in the works to stop this silly internet hunting.

I'll try to find the link if I get a chance.


New member

its bad enough that we have real live wackos with guns out there but someone who will pay over 7k to sit at the computer and shoot a deer is out of their mind. a guy with enough skill to do that should get a real job. perhaps they should stop sending him welfare checks to he has to go out and get a job.