Internal locks


New member
I've read a lot of complaints about the internal locks on S&W revolvers but haven't read any complaints about other manufacturers internal locks on either wheelguns or autos. Are S&W the only ones that have problems?


New member
Most of the others seem to do a better job of hiding them. Also SW was one of the first..............I think.


New member
S&W locks are also not easliy removable, like Taurus or Springfield.

Taurus' locks are on the hammer, and it is replaceable with an aftermarket part; Springfield's 1911 locks are in the MSH, which is also replaceable...

The S&W locks are ugly too. You may hear that one a lot.


New member
The bigger the name, the bigger the following and louder screaming. The fact that removal still leaves you with a hole in the side of the gun doesn't help.

Guy B. Meredith

New member
Apply a dab of red locktite or epoxy and forget about it. Not even sure where the keys to mine are and have not used locktite or epoxy.


New member
If the owner of a firearm with an internal lock does not use the lock or disables the lock is that person more liable if something bad were to happen?

I can't help but think that owning a firearm with an internal lock increases liability on the owner's part. Owning an older gun may negate that.

44 AMP

It isn't the lock, it's the attitude

Other makers put their locks in non obvious places. Ruger has one under the grips on one model.

What bugs me, is the fact that apparently to make points with the gun haters ( what a waste of time that is), the put the lock in a highly visible place, and then changed the classic shape of the cylinder latch. THAT was what got to me. I could live with the little hole in the frame, but the new latch shape just screams "look here, there's a hole where there shouldn't be one!"

Although most of the people here focus their talk on new guns, most of the time, I like the old ones, which one very seldom finds "new". All my Smiths are pinned and recessed, no locks. When I go looking for my next one, I'll pass on the new ones and find a good condition older gun for my shooting pleasure.


New member
Had a S&W 637 and a Springfield Ultra Compact both with internal locks. Just couldn't come to grips with it so I traded both for a Colt Gov't. Model. Took a bit of a loss, but at least I'm rid of my guns with internal locks. They're just inherently wrong, in my humble opinion, and need to go away.


New member
I found two used 686s without the locks that I will never sell. I do own a 4" 500 mag that has the lock. I have had no problem with the lock malfunctioning, but I wish it were not there. I have a serious problem with manufacturers altering proven gun designs merely to appease political pressures from people who don’t understand firearms to being with. I can say that the 500 mag will be the last S&W revolver that I will buy until they do away with the internal lock device. Of course that will probably never happen. :(


New member
My only worry is that firing with one that it may lock shut, have not heard of this happening but someone brought it up on the forum before. I kind of like it in the sense that if I am carrying it, and happen to one to take it off for a while, while i am in my house, I can lock it and stick it in a drawer till I go out again. Makes me feel a little better. And NO there are no youngsters in my house to worry about either. I guess they just don't bother me all that much, hopefully no probs come from it (knock on wood).


New member
My problem with them, is they eliminate the two most important reasons to buy, and carry, a revolver. Simplicity, and reliability. Adding parts to a simple device, has never made it more reliable. If you'd like a second opinion.... the hole in the side plate looks like hell. Regards 18DAI.


New member
I'll admit, I don't like the lock. I own a 637 Airweight with the lock but have never locked it and haven't had any issues with it and the gun has been outstanding. I also own a 686 without the lock and have never had any issues either.

I don't like the lock but I do like S&W and will continue to buy from them. I don't think the lock is going away any time soon but I still think that a S&W is the best revolver money can buy.

ohen cepel

New member
It's ugly as hell on the Smith. I have never bought one with a lock on it and probably never will. I want an Airweight, yet for now, I keep shopping around for one without the lock.

I may break down and buy my first Taurus since I can at least change out the hammer and have it the way I want it.

I just find it wrong on so many levels.

I do find it interesting that on the MP's they're making now the law enforcement versions don't have locks or mag disconnects on them. Wonder why......


New member
"I do find it interesting that on the MP's they're making now the law enforcement versions don't have locks or mag disconnects on them. Wonder why...... "

The M&P9c compact I just bought this weekend came without the lock or the mag both versions should be available to us civies...