Interesting way to level scope reticle...


New member
Maybe this should technically be in the Smithy, but I thought it may be of interest here to some members that don't frequent that board.

We all know that the scope reticle does need to be close to being as level with the bore of the rifle as possible. Granted, it doesn't have to precise for shooting within 1 or 2 hundred yards. I use a mildot Bushnell Elite, and I do stretch the rifle out to 500 yds and beyond. Its hard for me to find distances beyond 500 yds around here, but once in a while I get treated and can shoot out to 700... point is I need mine to be pretty dead on.

After Googleing some of the arcane products that are used to do this, I settled on going to wally world and buying a 2 dollar line level. I took my 4' mason level and checked to see if one of the columns on my porch was plumb. It was perfect, but I could have also driven a tomato stake or something in the ground and played with that until I got it plumb. Heck I even could have just propped the level up against a tree, making sure the level was plumb.

I backed up about 30 yds, layed the line level on the scope mount of the rifle, and adjusted the bipods until the rifle was perfectly level and pointing at the plumbed post. Then I could play with the scope until the vertical hair was perfectly parallel with the post. It takes a little adjustment as you begin to tighten it down, but this will align your scope reticle perfectly.

I used to just adjust the horizontal reticle hair to the horizon anywhere it was pretty flat, but finding a perfectly flat and level horizon (other than the ocean) is pretty hard to do. I checked the reticle with my new idea and it was off just a tad. I had to adjust eye relief anyway, so I decided to level the reticle as perfectly as possible. Just thought I would pass that on and see what yall think. I know this may not be new to some people, but I didn't know about it before today so there is a remote chance that there are still some others left:D


New member
Yep, nothing helps level a scope like a bipod and level. I've tried gun vices, but getting the action level with one of those isn't as easy as picking a level surface, popping up the bipod and aiming toward the edge of the nearest brick building (masons are pretty good at that level thing).


New member
aiming toward the edge of the nearest brick building

I am sure you mean the nearest brick building that is non occupied and out of the way of the GP...

Masons are good at that level thing (carpenters CAN be but their work should be checked, depending on the carpenter), but unfortunately I live in a subdivision. Can't go around aiming at random buildings but my own:D

Even then the neighbors think I'm whacked, and I live in a gun-friendly area. They just think it's odd for someone to do something with guns or bows every day. I'm still convinced that all the kids in the neighborhood were forbidden to even look my way or come to the culdesac where my house is until I pulled a dog off of a kid. Then everyone stopped avoiding me when I would go for a run. I even had some neighbors talk to me lately... MUST... PRESERVE... REP...UTA...TION...:rolleyes:


New member
Wheeler- Thats a good idea. I normally use the vertical corner of my basement (block foundation) to do the same thing, closer to what PotatoJudge describes, but your method would work great at the range. I actually use a torpedo level to set up my target stands making sure that the targets themselves are level. I draw vertical lines on the target to line up the crosshairs. This way I don't have to worry about the rifle being in the same level position between every shot. I'm assuming we're talking about casual shooting here, not formal competion.


New member
That is an interesting idea.

I've tried the Wheeler Level Level Level and they weren't even close. ;) As long as you just use half of the set and treat it as an out of level level you can get pretty darn close. Or I guess you could always bed the Wheelers to make them level.


New member
I'm just talking about mounting the scope level initially... for shooting I've always gotten buy with eyeballs and horizon, although on the coastal plain of NC so we're flat-landers. I took a high angle fire course in the true pits of a frozen over hell. Their best teaching was "make the vertical reticle hair parallel with the target"... the target always being a silohoute of a standing human being. We didn't truly test extreme ranges at that course because we were shooting with SAM-Rs. Didn't use M40s to reach out and touch:(


New member
BTW don't associate my name with anything made by wheeler engineering... unless it's the barrel nut wrench they make for savage rifles. I did buy one of those and pounded the urine out of it. I pinged it up on my first build (got mad and didn't have brass mallet heavy enough, I wound up using a 2lb maul), but otherwise that has been a good piece of gear.

I've heard bad things about other stuff from Wheeler engineering though... corrupting my name:mad:


New member
Just want to reiterate what wheeler0351 said. I find I get real nervous when others are pointing weapons my way. Nearly got into a fight w/ an across the street neighbor that way. Just happened to look out the window one evening and saw someone leaning down, doing something w/ my fence. Curious as I am, I went out and confronted the guy. It was my neighbor putting a piece of foil onto my fence in order to bore sight his rifle. I quickly lost any sense of humor considering it lined right up w/ my living room. Long story short, the foil got taken off of my fence, by him w/ an apology. Again just be careful where you point that thing.


New member
I am sure you mean the nearest brick building that is non occupied and out of the way of the GP...

It's well known that apartments, schools, and convents have the most level masonry :eek:. But yeah, 4 rules and all that. I also remove the bolt before tinkering.


New member
I know brotherman. I'm not implying that you aren't safe. Just for the sake of the anti's perception of us evil gun owners I try to tread as lightly as possible. If I knew you and saw that you had removed the bolt I really wouldn't be that pissed at you using the corner of my house. The hippy neighbor who goes to the DNC every year may be a different story.


New member
I just use a rope with a weight on the end of it hanging at 50 yards to get the reticle level.
I make sure the action of the rifle is level first.



New member
I didn't really specify that I used the 2 dollar line level to level the action of the rifle. As for the Wheeler engineering level level level, I've heard that some people took the bubble vial out of the casing because it wasn't bedded level in the casing.