Interesting video featuring CA police officer


New member
This is an interesting video of a San Jose, CA police officer trying to educate the uninformed about rifles and the different types of actions.

I thought he did a pretty good job explaining the differences and demonstrating the transformation of the Ruger Mini from a relatively harmless looking rifle to a its more menacing form.

The testimony from the ATF and LA police officers were especially refreshing.


It looks like this was posted before back in June '07. Even so, it's still a good video to show to your local novice when he/she thinks they know the difference between firearm terms.
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New member
That's Sgt. Leroy Pyle, NRA member and an outspoken critic of the anti-gun ex-chief Robert MacNamara.

It's a good video and it was produced circa 1989 when the California legislature was debating the Roberti-Roos "Assault weapon" bill (which passed). It is still a viable video for educating those who confuse an "AW" with a "machine gun".

chris in va

New member
I'll put that on my favorites. There's quite a few people I know that rely on emotions rather than facts concerning the rifles.