Interesting somewhat disturbing experience at Wally World this morning


New member
I went in one of the local Wally Worlds this morning to grab my morning diet coke from McDonalds. As always I walked past the ammo counter to take a look at the empty shelves. Today was not different, there was basically nothing as to be expected.

However behind the counter there was a cupboard for storage that was just slightly open. I could see several Winchester white boxes that looked to be pistol ammo but could not see the calibers. I went and found an employee and asked him to check and see what ammo was stored back there. At first he said there was no ammo other than what I could see behind the glass. I explained I could see several white boxes of Winchester and to please open the cupboard and take a look. He acted like he didn't want to do it but finally gave in. There were over 20 boxes of 380, over 20 boxes of 9mm, a couple of value packs of .22, several 45 and 40 also.

Here is the kicker, he told me it is not for sale. I was like "Huh?" I told him I am in need of 9mm and to sell me some. He finally grabbed 3 boxes and rang them up. I asked him about the .22 value pack and he told me it was bird shot 20 gauge and not .22LR. I could see it was the 525 round value pack. I didn't want to buy it anyhow as I am well stocked on 22 but I am not sure what is going on here.

The first thing that comes to mind is there is a store employee or many store employees who are buying and selling this on the secondary market versus putting it on the shelves for customers. I have not ever seen or run into this at any wally world previously and am in no way implying they are all doing it. But it does leave one to wonder what the hell was going on here.
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New member
Pretty much jives with what I have heard is going on. I was at dicks sporting goods over the weekend and stood there while the three guys behind the counter were loudly talking about the ammunition shipment that had come in that morning and how it got divides up amongst the employees...... the one guy was loudly complaining that it wasnt fair that so and so had gotten 1 more box of .22 LR than he had....... it made my blood boil!


New member
Our local WallyWorlds all have signs in the sporting goods department stating a 3 box limit on ammo.
During the last shortage there was ammo kept under the register behind a locked cabinet door but they would sell it if you asked for it.


New member
Did you take it up with management? If not the next tie you are in Walmart if you see it (I doubt you will) I'd inform management. Like other have posted, that sounds like scalping by the employees to me and management will look disfavorably on that as it hurts their reputation.


New member
I understand the ration and the limit on ammo. However it should be behind the glass with the other ammo not where people can't see it. I am happy because I was able to get some 9 millimeter I just don't like the employees attitude nor do I trust them I believe they're probably selling it for personal gain.
Okay, you didn't bother to complain to Walmart. You said you were disturbed by your experience, that you think the employees you are dealing underhandedly, but did nothing to bring it to the attention to those who could help you. So aside from casting dispersions, what are you hoping to gain or resolve by complaining here to people who can't resolve the issues for you either? Why is it important that we know that you feel disturbed about this incident for which you aren't willing to do anything to resolve it yourself?


New member
Well, as sheisty as it is, they work at Walmart making crap wages. Let them have it. Of all the companies to get screwed by it's own employees, Walmart probably has it coming the most.


New member
There were similar circumstances occurring here at walmarts. People would see something in the cabinet, employee would deny it was there or try to say it was something else. I am inclined to think that if it were rationing they would simply be upfront about it rather than being evasive.


New member
They're either hiding it for themselves or for their buddies. I've seen people on here brag about being friends with store employees who do this. It's the way things are. Take it to management.

Evan Thomas

New member
hardworker said:
Of all the companies to get screwed by it's own employees, Walmart probably has it coming the most.
Assuming the employees are paying for it rather than stealing it, Walmart isn't suffering, except perhaps in its reputation -- to the extent it has one. :cool: The people who suffer are the customers.


New member

I too walked through the sporting goods section last Thursday and nothing in the glass cabinet. As I was leaving I saw a white box of remington though a crack in the counter door that was slightly open. I actually opened the door and looked and saw a nice stash. I went and got the guy who was working in the tire section and told him I would take both bricks of the small game 22lr and 3 of the 100 round 9mm lugars. He said he didn't know why they were there but there was a 3 box limit. I looked at him and said do you really want to do this? He rung me up and bagged my ammo.
Happened on 74th in Des Moines Iowa
On another note the ones that are playing by the rules I have figured out our local WM delivery schedules and there a 3 I pass on my way to work. My goal was 2k of 9 and 5k of 22lr I also have 750 7.62x39. I reached that goal in 3 weeks and 2 days in the month of Feb when it was at its worst. The key get out of bed at 5 so you can hit them all before 7am. I am no longer in the hunt and have hooked a few guys I know who have 0 stock and its paying off for them.
BTW I had 100 rounds of 22 at the end of Jan and 2x25 defense boxes of 9mm I bought a unissued SKS last fall and had 0 rounds because I had not cleaned it up yet. I didn't get caught with my pant down I got caught with no pants at all.
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All Wal-Marts are limiting ammo to 3 boxes per day, per customer. But they are supposed to put it out for sale when it arrives, just like other stock. That store (or a couple of employees) are either withholding ammo for their special friends, or (as suggested) buying it themselves and then "flipping" it. I'm sure both practices are contrary to corporate policy.

I wouldn't even bother with the store manager -- he might or might not be in on it. I would take it directly to the regional manager -- and there should be a plaque at the service counter with his/her name and phone number.


New member
Double Naught Spy...sounds like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Take a deep breath and relax, everything will be ok.

For the record I am not here to complain and I hope my post didn't come across that way, just pointing out an experience I had today. I didn't take the time to complain as I got my 3 boxes of 9mm and I am happy with that.....selfish I know but so be it.


New member
I would certainly have asked for the store manager to find out what was going on. If he did not help, or appeared to be in on the game, I would be making a call to the main office.
Then I would be posting on TFL about the incident, and what the response was.
UtahHunting said:
For the record I am not here to complain and I hope my post didn't come across that way, just pointing out an experience I had today. I didn't take the time to complain as I got my 3 boxes of 9mm and I am happy with that.....selfish I know but so be it.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
Edmund Burke


New member
Keep in mind that Wally World employees are not the brightest bulbs out there. A few years ago I went there to get a box of WWB .45acp. The dopey guy behind the counter gave me a blank, expressionless look when I asked him for the 45's. He gave me the wrong ammo. Second time, again, the wrong ammo. Third times the charm, he got me the right box, then tried to ring up all three boxes. I thank mamma for teaching me patience.


New member
My local Wal-Mart has "additional restrictions may apply" handwritten at the bottom of the memo about the 3 box limit. Guy would only sell me 1 box of bulk ammo. Guy at the counter was a real jerk about it too. "Trust me, we employees have the same restrictions." Riiight. Luckily, the other Wal-Mart down the road let's me buy 3 at a time. Unfortunately, all 9mm, 22lr, 223, & 308 ammo sells out within 20 minutes. Probably others too, but those are the ones I look for. At least they're not price gouging...
Keep in mind that Wally World employees are not the brightest bulbs out there.

And keep in mind that Wally World employees have been hassled repeatedly by ammo-hungry buyers who are chomping at the bit for ammo and think that they can argue away policy and make or convince the employee to make an exception for them, or complain to the employee at length about why the policy should not be in place (as if the employee had anything to do with it), and then there are all the disgruntled queriers wanting to know exactly when there will be more ammo, and "Can you put some back for me?"

I have seen all these things going on at our local Walmarts. You would almost think that Walmart was the only place in the world for ammo or that they were the problem for the shortage.

No doubt it sucks right now being an employee in the sporting goods section at Walmart.