Interesting post from Walther Forums on the PPS AirSoft for training


New member
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Anyway, a poster on Walther forums had some input on the Umarex PPS AirSoft as a training substitute for his PPS 9mm. I found this interesting, as I just ordered a PPS AirSoft - after seeing a post about training for moving targets and point shooting by using a swinging tetherball and an AirSoft.

However, I'm overseas, and won't get to test this theory until August. For now, I can only go by what others are saying.

The poster on Walther had very good things to say:

In a nutshell, he brought his groups with his real PPS down to about 20-25% of his initial group sizes, primarily via practice with his AirSoft PPS.

He also indicates that not only did the dimensions of the AirSoft match those of the actual PPS to within 1mm, but that the measured trigger pull and weight were virtually identical.

If his info is accurate (as I intend to find out in August), this could be a really phenomenal training tool for the PPS.