Interesting or scary guns related stories


New member
Sorry, I cant resist this. I have read a few interesting and some pretty scary, and edge of your seat stories that happened to TFLers. I dont really have any of my own, I am a pretty dull person, but I know there are a bunch that happened to you guys.


New member
One time I was down here at the Santa Anita Indoor Shooting range in SoCal. I was just observing my dad shoot, and I started to look around and see what everyone else was shooting. I noticed a couple, the guy was obviously trying to teach his wife/girlfriend how to shoot. She was visibly nervous about shooting, and instead of actually helping her, he just had a "learn how to shoot yourself while I watch" attitude. She would go up to the lane with what looked like a S&W .357 and just about squeeze off a round, then turn around and look at the guy for help. One of the times, she turned to look at him, and she turned the gun, loaded, with finger on trigger, right at my upper torso. I knew the safety wasn't on because she had just fired a round. I quickly moved and went over to her and asked her to point the weapon downrange. Her husband/boyfriend seemed slightly entertained that she could have just shot me.