Interesting offer

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New member
I guy I work with and I were talking guns today. He tells me that he has a .25-06 breech loader he will sell for $200.00. I don't know the make, he is going to bring it in for me to look at tomorrow. What do I need to know when looking at this gun? I know I need to check the condition of the bore, and how well the action works, as well as general condition. Is there anything specific to this caliber that I need to know? I have never seen or fired one ever.


New member
I am assuming if it is a breech loader, it is probably a H&R as they sell a 25-06. If it is indeed an H&R or NEF they can be bought new for the $200-$250 range. Not really much to check out on them other than the bore and overall condition of the rifle. Make sure the action breaks open and closes as it should.

Both the H&R and NEF are both good firearms in my opinion, that is if you can live with a single shot.


New member
If it is an H&R or a NEF model, don't buy it for no $200. Offer $125 and work up to $175. Times are tuff, he'll understand. Remember, you're doing him a favor, not the other way around. If not, you just saved $200 that you can spend out on a nice steak dinner.


Staff In Memoriam
$305 is bud's last price on a laminate .25-06 H&R... The Synthetic was $275.
The encore was $586 in wood...


New member
I have been doing some research on this gun. From what I have found this round seems to be between a .243 and a .270. Its a good reound for deer and smaller, save maybe hogs unless you get a sub 100 yrd shot. Is this right? If so I'm not sure about it unless its just a great deal. I was leaning toward a .308 or .30-06. As I have several friends who keep trying to get to go bear hunting. I was leaning to the .308 as it seems the smaller gun might be better in mountains and woods where I live. Its lighter and shorter, easier to swing up and shoulder without a big loss of power in off the shelf loads. But if this .25-06 is a good deal. I maaay have just work harder to have both! Hehe.


Staff In Memoriam
It is a round not so heavily inventoried as many. I wouldn't get into one unless I were a reloader feller...


New member
For bear even .308 is a bit light. Save your money and get the 30'06. Aside from the long action it wont be too much heavier than the 308 as far as weight. In a Remington 700 sps the weight difference is 2 ounces.


New member
Ahhhh, ammo availability. I hadn't thougjht of that. I'll have to look and see what my local shops are stocking. This is why I ask questions. Thanks Hogdogs! Tho if its an encore and they are valuable I might get it anyway! LOL!


Staff In Memoriam
I just phoned my local GS and they stock it... price range is $37 to $55:eek:
I will have none of that:rolleyes:
.30-06 is from $24 to $56...
I am kind of spartan and was quite miffed when my El Marto del Wal jacked the .30-30 from 9 to 12 to 15 bucks in a 12 month span:mad: Premium .30-30 being $22.
Ya'll shootin them thar fancy Dandy fella guns must be rich rocket scientists!;):D


New member
I'll play the devil's advocate

The .25-06 is a great round. Yes it can be expensive, but then again all ammo is expensive right now. It's got great ballistics and is much easier on the shoulder than the .308 or .30-06. For deer, it's perfect. Great for young shooters who want to hunt.

I would not recommend it for bear as previously mentioned. I'm a firm believer in shot placement being more important than all out power, but somethings aren't worth taking a chance :) on


New member
Oh good lord, re-loading? This IS a mid-life crisis, however. It was either women, cars, or guns. I picked guns, as I already have the woman and a good truck. So I better take it slow if I want to keep the woman and truck LOL! I already hear, are you reading about bullets again? I swear bullets is all I hear about anymore! A friend gave me a copy of "Understanding Firearm Ballistics" to read. Its a good read if you come across it.


New member
[He tells me that he has a .25-06 breech loader he will sell for $200.00]

An interesting offer, indeed - since I don't know of any muzzle-loading .25-06's, with all modern cartridge rifles being breech loaders.



New member
Getting 25-06 ammo from MidwayUSA or Natchez or Midsouth or AmmunitionToGo is pretty trivial, and not any more expensive than any other chambering. It's a decent chambering that I've used successfully in the past on smaller hog and deer. It was pretty popular in the Carolinas when I lived there, for the guys that shot across fields - it's a flat shooter....
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Staff In Memoriam
Breech loader likely is a term the guy uses to identify break barrel single shot that is hand loaded directly to the breech rather than to a mag well, or tube.


New member
That is exactly what it is Hogdogs. I grew up hearing those types of guns called breech loaders. I appologize if I was wrong on the correct terms.


New member
Maybe it is a #1!!!! No way at that price. Even if it is an NEF/H&R, it is a great cartridge in a good firearm. $200 is a bit much for a used H&R.

As for the 1 shot. Don't be scared off by that. I often hunt with a #1 in 45/70. Have only had to take two shots once - probably wasn't necessary. Two of my neighbor boys both shot two deer a couple weeks ago. H&R/NEF 243s.

25-06 is roughly the same price as 30-06. I reload my hunting rifles, but have founds Grafs and Sons to be a good source for ammunition.
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