Interesting CCW qual results.


New member
Couple weeks ago, I took my every 3 years required "legal update" course. It's the only time I qualify with a of people. The annual required qual can be done individually at any time so usually I am shooting alone (for qualification) at the range.

All sorts of guns there. Mostly men, but one woman. Only TWO revolvers. My M36 in .38 spl and a deputy DA's M19 2 1/2" (but shooting .38s)

Our 2 revolvers made the highest scores. (15 yds, 20 rds slow, 10 rds timed w/reload)

All the autos scored lower. Nothing definitive about the test, but interesting as the two itty bitty snubbies could be covered by your hand while the autos were markedly more spread. Mine was 288/300 and his was 293/300.

One of the auto guys had such a flinch that he actually physically DUCKED when someone down the line fired.

Just interesting. I like my lil popgun.


Was kinda fun watching the gathering after the shoot and so many people saying stuff about how SMALL those short barrel groups were and they "didn't think that was right." Myths are hard to dispel.


New member
I hear ya. I'd qualify with my Chief's Special, but in Texas you have to qualify with an auto to be able to carry either. If you shoot a revolver to qualify you can only carry a revolver. Doesn't make a lot of sense to me but that's the law.:confused:


New member
i dont think that its a myth that 2" revolvers are inaccurate. I own, shoot, and carry 2" revolvers but I believe its easier to be accurate with a longer barrell and larger sights. If you are a good shot you can acheive good groups with any gun (as long as the gun shoots straight too). Youre scores are impressive, but i think an equally good shooter could have matched or beaten that score with a commander sized 1911 or any midsize auto of decent make. I am a firm believer than revolvers are easier to shoot accuratly but autos, in the right set of hands are just as accurate.


New member
Not discounting your results at all,

you both did real well. Sadly, it probably says more about the other shooters and how much time they spend shooting.

If you were able to outshoot all of them with a 2" snubby, then they simply aren't practicing enough.

For at least half of them, that was probably the only time they've shot since the last time they had to qualify. That is both scary and sad, cause shooting can be so much fun.


New member
I agree with the "practice." I shoot quite a lot even though not a whole lot with the M36. I think I also could have beat it with my BHP or M66 6" but not by a whole lot. I carry the M36 because it will either fit my IWB holster or pocket holster or just raw in back pocket. It's just handy, so I use it for my CCW.
I used to have 3 guns on it, but got tired of 90 rds to qualify every year so just switched back to the one I've carried since 1968 or so. Bobbed the hammer for no snag and it is one slick lil thing. (Even though it has 30 + years of finish wear on it)
The very first time I let my kid shoot it, I just told him to hold like any other gun and he popped a can out of a tree on his first shot.
I think ...prejudice... keeps a lot of people from carrying snubbies.

I never was a .38 "FAN" but it is still adequate for my needs. I hope.



New member
Qual with what you carry

My agency has an interesting policy...want to carry other then the duty gun off-duty? Shoot the qual course with it. 30 Rounds from the 3.5 yard line to the 15 yard line. Max score 150. I like my Glock 17, but it is big (well heck I carry my Springfield 1911A1 HICAP off-duty too ;) )

My two favorite ODC guns are my 3" Barreled ParaOrd Stealth Warthog in .45 acp and my Taurus Model 815 CIA 2" Barreled 5 shot, DAO, hammerless .38 spcl +P. My qual scores for both guns are 150. At the ranges shot, they are both very accurate; with +P Hydrashoks in the .38 and 230 grain JHP or 185 grain +P Golden Sabers either gun is very effective.

WRT the accuracy of the 2" snubbie? I work with an officer who regularly staples 9" paper plates at the 100 yard line an consistently hits them with his 2" snubbie...


New member
I'm sorry to hear you have to qualify every three years. It's as if your Constitutional rights have to be earned. In PA, you just fill out some paperwork and a few days later your approval letter is in the mail! I think it's more of an administrative thing to keep the commi's off their back.
I am sorry you have to fill out paperwork for your Constitutional right. Be it shooting quals or "administrative paperwork," it is still an infringement, no?


New member
Its a poor workman who blames his tools. You also can't buy skill.

Actually, I thought those snubbie Smiths had a good reputation for mechanical accuracy, but between the short sight radius, smaller mass, and shorter trigger length they aren't easy for everybody to be very accurate with.