Interesting CC Dilema....


New member
I have a pair of Beretta 84's (a BB and a B) that I bought initially for concealed carry. Now I'm convinced that the .380 is far (FAR) from the best round to use, and the Beretta 84 is a pistol with a fatter butt than I have, and I'm thinking, very difficult to hide. I have extra Magazines, Grips, etc, and a boatload of both practice and Defensive ammo (Cor-Bon DPX). I've spent all my gun money, and I think I've made bad choices. What would you do now that the damage is done. Tell me what you think, have at it, I'm already hurt......Zebulon


New member
I carry a 380 most of the time and am very happy with it

I think you can get in a lot of $ trouble with the caliber wars... yes, 9mm is more powerful, and then 40cal and almost at the top is 45...but then you might as well go with 44mag or even a 50 cal....

after a while of carrying these around your realize that on the very very very unlikely occassion that you might need to use your carry gun... a whole lot of other factors are going to be just as important as caliber size.

My first criteria is a gun and ammo that work flawlessly... second is being able to use it to the best of my abilities... third is being able to carry it concealed and not feel like you are toting a brick around...


.380 has been around for years, and works well. It's very popular in Europe where larger calibers aren't available. I have a Bersa Thunder .380 as an alternate CW.

Don't let anyone kid you. Given the option, I'd carry an AK, but they're kinda hard to conceal. A .380 in your pocket because it's comfortable and easy to shoot is MUCH better than a .45 on the dresser because it's too big and heavy and kicks too hard.

Shot placement and quantity is everything. No one can ignore 2-3 .380s to the torso.
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New member
Zebulon, if you are worried about the Beretta 84 and the .380 platform, then you should sell those Beretta's (to me preferably for a low, low, price). I'm serious about the selling part -- you need to have confidence in your firearm -- if you don't, get something different.

Or, consider the perspective that the Beretta 84 is a very well designed and manufactured pistol that is highly reliable and accurate (mine is anyway.)

Honestly, if 13 rounds of .380 doesn't take care of your self defense needs then you live in the wrong place. The .380 ACP round out of a Beretta 84 is extremely manageable and accurate. I echo Keltyke's and blume's sentiments. First worry about your gun working and you hitting what you are aiming at. That done, the ammunition will take care of the rest.


New member
I carry my BERSA 380 from time to time and feel as confident having it as I do my 40 cal. or the 45acp. As others have stated shot placement is the key to a defensive positive outcome (if it ever happens). Use it and practice often.


New member
As some other folks mentioned keep the gun that you can shoot well with. The other day I went to the range with a friend of mine. He brought alon his desert eagle in .50. We were shooting at 15 yards. I tried his gun and could not even get on the paper. That very big gun would have been no use to me in a combat scenerio. I would say a few well placed shots of a .22 would do the job so 13 or shots of .380 are more than enough. I stopeed reading about the first shot stopping power a long time ago


New member
Thanks to all who responded. Special thanks to those who encouraged me to stick with my selection and give it a chance. I was drawn to the Beretta 84's because they are really excellent pistols and accurate as they are dependable. I didn't think to carry them when I bought them, but they are the smallest pistols I own. I have a few options, all lousy. The butts on my S&W 4566's are far thinner than the Berettas, and I have several Beretta Centurions to choose from as well. The Sig 239 and S&W 3913 would have been far better choices. As I said earlier, my gun/fun money has been spent. I'm going to work with the 84's and see if I can't find holsters that make it possible to hide these things. I'll take to heart the encouragement concerning the caliber and learn to live with it. Thanks again guys for the help. I appreciate it....Zebulon


New member
Look at it this way:

Just how many layers of clothing would it take to make you feel confident if someone were shooting at you with a .380? Would you think, "Heck, it's only a weenie little .380, I'll tough it out"? And is that decision significantly different than if you were on the receiving end of 9mm or .40 S&W rounds, or even .45?

Personally, I'm going to like even my poor, anemic little Webley Mk IV in .38 S&W unless the guy is wearing body armor, and then the .45 wouldn't be a whole lot better. If you're really worried, work on shot placement. In the highly unlikely event that I ever need my gun for actual, live, honest-to-God self defense, I'm going to worry a lot more about where and how many than how hard.


New member
Thanks PSP......Here are the dilemas in question......I guess I need to look for leather. I'm baffled by all the options. Too many choices can be the next source of aggravation........:) Thanks to all of you for the opinions and counsel..............Zebulon



john in jax

New member
Shoot it first then decide. what you shoot well (i.e. shot placement) is far more important than a couple hundreths of an inch, a hundred or so fps or a slightly heavier bullet.

However IF you find the 84 too big/bulky to CCW then you should replace it. A gun you won't carry or are uncomfortable CCW'ing probably won't be on your person when you need it. There are a whole host of itty-bitty .380's and 9mm's out there that will easily disappear into a pants pocket or IWB holster.

But if you are like most of us what you really need to do is just start saving to add another gun and applicable accessories to the collection.


New member
A'int it fun just speculating?

My favorite carry gun is a Sig 230 (now the 232) but that doesn't mean you would like it.... my second choice, which I also have, would be the Walther PPK. both of these are of course the lowly 380.... but I have to say just about everything else I have gets burdensome to conceal and carry. last weekend I ran out to the store in the early am and had my Sig in a Bianchi IWB holster... later that night I was sitting here at my computer and realized I still had the pistol on... had done all kinds of things out in the world... and back home including walking the dog... splitting firewood.. working on the car and I had actually forgotten I had the pistol on... I think that is the true telling of when you are comfortable and used to concealed carry. Don't know if it is a good thing or bad... but you just don't even think about it anymore.