Interesting AK with a story


New member
After much searching and being on the wait list at my local shop for the past 6 months, I finally picked up that AK I've been wanting so much. I was down in Fort Hood, Texas, visiting a friend of mine back from Iraq on leave. We decided to hit Action Pawn to see what they had lying around. After looking at an IO AK-47 for $700 and an Arsenal (Las Vegas - Izhevsk/Saiga) for $1200 along with a Saiga for $600, I decided to leave without ane. I was sorely tempted to buy the Arsenal, but I wasn't familiar with non-Bulgarian Arsenals at all and $1200 was a bit steep for me to just take a WAG.

I had given up and was asking the salesman about a Ruger LCP since they had a sign up on the register (they had none) while scanning their few C&R guns when I noticed another rifle hidden on the bottom row among the Mosins and Enfields. This one turned out to be a Maadi Misr-90 with some "beauty marks". It was in the fire last August that burned down their building.

I guess the part where the news story said "Whatever was left of the gun department is gone" wasn't taking into account the will to survive that this little Maadi had. I ended up picking it up for $435 due to the slightly melted hand guards. That's still more than it was worth in new condition a year ago, but the fear premium was minimal and I've got a rifle manufactured in Egypt now. I'll be spending the day with a thorough cleaning/inspection and I'm hoping for the best.

I thought $435 (actually, they quoted me $550 and I was going to buy it at that price) for a rifle with this sort of back story was well worth it. I'd be interested in your thoughts, atta-boys, and any better background stories.