Interesting accessory


New member
Besides being hideous, there is this

their B-Side Gun series, which supports the Bronx Chapter of the Brady Campaign to prevent gun violence, with 10% of the proceeds from the series donated to the charity.


Active member
Didn't some has-been lady rock star wear some shoes with revolvers for heels once? I don't know, perhaps if I lived in New York City or New Jersey where real guns aren't allowed, this would be make good symbols for protest.:D


New member
There are no words that can express my contempt for people who are collecting money by selling this stuff. There are so many things wrong with this that it defies expression.

Ironically, when I was younger, I had shotshell base cufflinks from orvis. I supported my sporting goods industry, and had things that proudly proclaimed that I liked guns and hunting.

Now, I can buy shotshell cufflinks, and support a bunch of liberal ****e for brains artistic new york morons who are going to spend that money trying to take away my firearms rights, and badmouth me every time I protest, and laugh themselves sick all the while at how stupid I was to buy into their BS.

The only difference will be that my cufflinks had orvis headstamps, and these are Remington.

Every bullet retains memories and traces of the journey it underwent from the moment it was fired until it was picked up

Oh, god. These people need psychiatric surgery.


New member
Guys you are getting lost. The intent of my post was not so much the clowns making it as much as the idea of using gun stuff to make other stuff.

I thought it interesting and had not seen it before.

Dang... Now I'm regretting even bringing it up.... :(


At firs I thought, "Cool, what a neat idea, Eldest would love some of this!"

Then I saw this:

In addition, the designers try to reduce their carbon footprint wherever they can and support a number of admirable causes. Case in point being their B-Side Gun series, which supports the Bronx Chapter of the Brady Campaign to prevent gun violence, with 10% of the proceeds from the series donated to the charity.

Twaddle Merchants.


New member
Very cool idea, though some items are indeed gawdy.

i just don't think I'm O.G. enough to pull off bullet casing cufflinks.

Their proposed mission really turns me off, but the idea is a good one. It's too bad too, if not for their political slant they might actually sell a lot more.


New member
some are interesting, but most are just plan ugly.
There is no accounting for taste or the lack thereof.:D


New member
Like I said, the one time giant of the industry did the cufflinks, and sold buttons to add to suits or coats, and a few other things based on case heads. It is a neat thing. It's too bad that the suit jacket I wore once for class pictures with 20 gauge buttons would get my butt hauled into court for even stepping onto the sidewalk in front of my old high school.

It is cool.


New member
which supports the Bronx Chapter of the Brady Campaign to prevent gun violence, with 10% of the proceeds from the series donated to the charity.

Now you can REALLY count me out. Most likely these are recycled pieces of scrap from gun turn in anti-freedom drives. Who would want to wear a piece of an old Jennings or Phoenix?


New member
While some of it is mildly interesting, this:

Case in point being their B-Side Gun series, which supports the Bronx Chapter of the Brady Campaign to prevent gun violence, with 10% of the proceeds from the series donated to the charity.

means that they will never get a dime of my money.


Active member
Guys - this is easy stuff to make. Anyone can make it, and folks here sure can figure out a way to make it better then these clowns. Why don't one of your artistic types do something similar, and then donate 10% of the profits to the NRA, GOA, or like organization?

Nickel Plated

New member
Some of those are quite nice, most are just tacky. Either way I wouldn't give THEM my money. I'd rather make the stuff myself. It's not even that complicated. I could probably throw one of those together in a couple of hours.


New member
The cufflinks are way cool. The rings are all ugly.

Most of the other stuff is ugly, and the numbered tags are damn ugly.

Ugliest of all, though, is the anti-gun rhetoric.

We should mention, by the way, that the parts are sourced from gun manufacturers, so while this isn’t reuse, per se, it’s certainly repurposing of the most honorable kind — reclaiming weapon components before they can find their way off the production line, onto the streets and into people’s hands, where they could do untold harm.

By using actual gun components from their manufacturers, we ensure these parts never make their way into a working gun.


Case in point being their B-Side Gun series, which supports the Bronx Chapter of the Brady Campaign to prevent gun violence, with 10% of the proceeds from the series donated to the charity.



Active member
Anti-gunners wearing real gun parts around - I see it as their first step into a brand new hobby......:D


New member
At the last gun show,,,

I bought a set of hoop earrings made from inert .25 ACP cartridges,,,
A toothpick holder from cut down .50 BMG brass,,,
And earrings from 12-gauge shot shell rims.

There were many more items,,,
The friends I gifted them to were pleased.
