Interarms bolt action?


New member
Anyone know anything about Interarms bolt actions? stumbled onto one locally for $300. Looks nice, 30-06, do the still make them? are parts available?


New member
They are rather nice rifles built on a Mauser 98 action. I used to have an Interarm Mark X in 30-06. They were made at the Zastava factory in Serbia. Not the most unique rifle in the world, 98 model mausers being quite common. They are well built though and pretty. Most have good triggers and can be adjusted. Timney also make a good aftermarket trigger for them. You can find stocks and sights and alsorts of other parts on most gunpart websites.

To clear the bolt handle properly you probrobly need medium sized rings on a scope mount for it.

Other companies now import the same rifle. Charles Daly Mausers now own the contract. They tend to have a bit better finish to them, but they are identical designs. Remington 798 Mausers are also from the same factory and same design. You should be able to switch parts between all these rifles.

Here is the manual for the rifle in a .pdf file.


New member
Limeyfellow covered the rifle well.
I have one in 7mm mag, and it is a very fine rifle, shooting three shots into a 1/2" group at 100 yards. I did install a McMillan fiberglass stock on it, and did a trigger job too. But, everything else is stock, including the very accurate barrel.



New member
Not to hijack the thread but didn't Charles Daly loose the import rights because Remington bought them? I always wanted a Mini-Mauser action from Charles Daly.


New member
The Interarms MarkX is a solid example of a commercial M98. Good shooters, though not exceptional, and very reliable. I have 2 rifles built on MarkX actions. This is the same action Remington uses for their new rifle, the 798. Parts are available, though not as common as they once were, due to Remington grabbing the import rights and not importing actions as well as the barreled actions they turn into finished rifles.

Remington did not buy Zastava or buy the rights away from Charles Daly. CD advertised their rifles for 2 years before they actually offered them for sale, then had no real quantity of retail outlets to move any real volume of guns. In any business venture, if you make the goods but don't sell them, you will go broke before long. Zastava just made a business decision to move more rifles. I don't think Remington is living up to their expectations, though, with the heavy laminated stocks they put on the 798 turning the rifle into a club rather than the well-proportioned stocks Interarms used to have on their rifles.

arizona hunter

New member
Limeyfellow pretty much said it all. These are exellent rifles. Well made and accurate. I've had mine since 1988, and even with all the new pretty rifles available and hot new calibers, I still hold onto my Mark X 30.06. It shoots everything well that I load into it and functions perfectly (it's a Mauser!). Mine came with an exellent synthetic Bell & Carlson stock-still my favorite big game rifle and should be for many more years.


New member
I bought my barreled action Interarms Mark X in 270 Win back when I was just 20 years old. Wow! 20 years ago. I had it bedded in a B&C Carbelite stock, and adjusted the trigger to a very nice crisp 2.5 lbs (current setting :D), but it can go lighter. For what I invested in it, I put a Burris 3x9 FFII on top of it. This barreled action has the 23.4" length barrel, although they made no claims of being match grade, it will do clover leaf 3 shot groups with 90 and 110 grain bullets. With heavier bullets it can be a regular moa performer. I love this rifle and I'm hoping to get another in a different caliber when the opportunity comes. josh