Inter-American Arms Treaty

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New member
It's flying so far under the radar that it's been largely invisible. To be signed in N.Y. by Hillary on July 27th.

Are you ready to get a Federal license to handload your own ammo?

Heard Dick Morris and Tucker Carlson, without mincing words, state that this is a major O'Bama backdoor gun control effort. NRA was a the meeting where the law was discusses and drafted.
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New member
I was under the impression the U.S. Secretary of State does not have the authority to sign anything into law. So, baring that and the above mentioned 2/3 vote to ratify, I don't see anything but a lot of hot gasses escaping into the atmosphere.
And a possible waste of ink.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
This surfaces every once in awhile with folks getting all excited.

I think the question has been answered, so unless you have something new, please spare us.
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