insulting Elmer Keith?

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New member
Sorry gang, I have to get this off my chest.
I just read a post on a different forum badmouthing Elmer Keith of all people!

This slow-witted "tacticool" mall ninja had the nerve to insult Elmer's choice of personal defense firearms. never mind the fact That Elmer passed away in 1984, almost three decades ago, and didn't have the choices available today.

Who the H*ll does he think he is?

If this clown and his three mall ninja partners in the picture were to actually stand toe-to-toe with Elmer, or Bill Jordan, or Skeeter Skelton I'm guessing that all of them would need to change their panties in short order.

I apologize again folks. Just had to get that out.


I agree. I have read Keith's autobiography and he had some pretty tough bark on him. It's rare to meet men like him today.
We have a few problems here. The first is that we generally don't discuss other forums. The second is using asterisks to get around the rules on profanity. Please don't do that.

The third is that the thread doesn't give us any room for discussion. It's simply a rant. If you'd like to change it to something like "Are Elmer Keith's Teachings Still Relevant in the Modern Age?" it would probably bloom into something really interesting.
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