Inside Pocket Holster for MK40, MK9


New member
I would like to get a pocket holster for my MK40. The MK9 is almost the same size so one that works for it should work on the MK40. They sell one on the Kahr website. It looks real nice but I have heard that it is too highly polished (slick) and will come out of your pocket too easily.

Does anyone have any suggesstions?



Walt Sherrill

New member
Having used a pocket holster, I find they leave a lot to be desired -- and I used mine with a smaller gun than you plan to use.

Don't ever sit down. Don't drive. Don't even try to get to the gun with your off hand. Don't carry anything else in that pocket. And don't try to get it out of your pocket too quickly.

There a bunch of folks who like pocket holsters. I'm not one of them.


New member

Good food for thought. What do you recommend for someone who has to tuck their shirt in (over a larger girth than I like to admit!) and still have the gun concealed?

I probably should just lose 40 pounds!

Anyway, like I said, you have some excellent points that I never really thought of. Any input would be appreciated.




New member
there are plenty of IWB holsters that allow you to tuck in your shirt. ihave to say, i thought i would carry my mk40 in my pocket, but that WILL NOT HAPPEN. its way too big in my opinion for pocket carry.

i am looking for a good IWB holster for my Kahr MK40, i would get an alessi talon plus but i want one now, NOT IN 8 weeks!!

any suggestions?



New member
pocket holster

I carry my mk-9 in a kamer or allessi pocket holster. The allessi is a little cheaper and works very well.


New member
I used to carry my MK9 in a slightly modified Uncle Mike's Sidekick #2 pocket holster. Had to cut some stitching at the top to allow for the trigger guard. Works pretty good but only in loose fitting pants like dockers.

I got out of the habit of carrying the MK9 because it is too darned heavy. One of these days I will have to explore the new polymer offering from Kahr. Nowadays, when I pocket carry, it is the light as a feather Keltec P32.


New member
A P32 in a pocket holster is unnoticeable.

The Kahr is just too big for easy pocket carry, unless u got mighty big pockets


New member
Concerning Walt's comments, it really depends on what kind of pants you are wearing and probably on how much you fill 'em. :) Pocket carry works great for me with khakis, but not at all with jeans.

Concerning BDB's comments, the MK9 fits into a #4 Uncle Mike's without modification and I have carried one that way, but I agree with lonegunman that even a MKx is on the large side (and on the heavy side) for pocket carry, even with big pockets and loose pants.

Concerning SkaerE's comments, I've used three different "tuckable" IWBs (Milt Sparks, Mitch Rosen and Galco) and haven't really been pleased with how any of them work, but this is probably another area where you don't know how it's going to work for you until you try it. That's why we all have the holster graveyard boxes.... :(


New member
Russ, I have used quite a few pocket holsters from many different makers. I have carried a mini Glock, S&W j frame revolver, Colt Mustang, etc. The best one that I have used is believe it or not is an Uncle Mike's. The other one's from custom leather makers did not perform as well as UM and they cost 4 times as much.My next gun purchase will be a Kahr MK9 Elite and it will be carrried in my front pocket in an Uncle Mike's. I usually wear hiking style shorts or pants and I know the gun will not show in these. The Kahr wiil weigh about the same as my G33 when loaded and this did not create a problem for me with the Glock.With the UM holster every time I draw just the gun comes out and it can become quite fast with practice. Good luck, ShooterJD


New member
Thanks for your replies everyone. The discussion helped alot and pointed out a few things I had not considered.
