information and opinions on the P99


New member
I went to the gun store today and looked at the Walther P99 looked and felt like a sweet gun. Its number 1 on my next gun to buy list. Have any of you had problems with this model? What’s the Pros and cons of this gun? Is it absolutely reliable?


New member
It is a wonderful gun. Do a search on "P99" in the the forums. You will find dozens of threads from all the P99 lovers on this board.

Any problems? Just one I keep having to go to the store to buy more ammo, the gun keeps seducing me to shoot more.:)

The pros are it is light weight, it's a Walther, it can be fitted to practically any shooter thanks to the multiple sights and back strap inserts, it is tack-driving accurate. The cons are the above mentioned ammo problem and as soon as you shoot one you want to go out and buy a second one.:D

Mine has been 100% reliable through the first 1,000 rounds with a mix of ball and +P hollowpoints. Some of the folks here have way more than that through theirs with the same results.

Mine is the 9MM by the way. There were some problems with the first 3,000 or so .40 S&W models, but the newer ones with the German proof marks on the slide have been very good.


New member
I toyed with one at the local store and I can see why some like them more than Glocks, but if I had to get a plastic gun it'd probably be an HK USP-C.

I think I'd get the P99 in a hurry if it were a steel gun with a SA trigger. But then it wouldn't be a P99.


New member
Love my P99's. I have 6 of them. All in .40. All are very reliable. Some of the first .40's had problems with the slide locking back prematurely. This was fixed with a new spring on the slide lock lever. I experienced this problem on my first P99. It was one of the first 200 made. But it went away after 100 rounds. I've never had any problems with any of my other ones. I've had around 3000 rounds through my P99 military and closing in on 5000 rounds on my P99 QA. No problems with either one.
