Info Please: RCBS Standard Bullet Puller


New member
This is not the impact puller.
There is a picture of it in the Midsouth catalog, and it appears to work on a press.
Can anyone give a quick rundown on how this critter works?

Jeff, CA

It does work in a press. You screw the main body in like a die, then you put in a collet of the correct diameter (close to bullet diameter). You run the cartridge up into the puller, tighten the collet around the bullet, and pull the case down. Done right, there's no impact, and no powder spillage. It won't work on wadcutters seated flush with the case mouth.

James E


Check out the new Hornady "Cam Lock Bullet Puller" its a die with a lever device on the top, has collet insert that seats a caliber type inside die. Lever gently closes collet bullet is easily extracted no fuss or muss.
I own the RCBS you are talking about and the Hornady is much superior.


Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
In a pinch, if you don't have a puller, a pair of standard pliers works quite well. Just run the cartridge up with no die in the press. Grab the bullet with the pliers and pull the cartridge down. The entry of the nose of the pliers into the press tightens the grip. The bullets will still be usable for casual hunting or plinking.

I've only done this with jacketed rifle bullets.


[This message has been edited by Art Eatman (edited June 28, 2000).]