info on powders?


New member
Thank you both.
Can anyone tell me the basic difference between hodgdon and IMR 4350?
They both seem to burn about the same rate, is there a reason to pick one over the other?


john kilgore

New member
As the numbers indicate they are very similar, but not exactly the same. In my experience, H4350 is slightly more dense and slower burning. I can use 46.5gr in my .257 Robts. whereas 45.0 about does it with IMR4350. The velocity is a little higher with the "H" but accuracy seems a little better with the "IMR".

John Barsness with "HANDLOADER" has done a lot of work with the two powders in the .30/06 and concludes that the "H" is the better of the two in the '06. Also, Reloader 19 is very similar to the H4350 and may be even better for most applications.

Additionally, there's the matter of lot-to-lot variation that can mix things up as well.