Info for NRA membership suggestion?


New member
Howdy all,

I had an idea earlier today. I was reading this thread and it came to me that the member 'Scorch' probably invested a bit of time and effort in finding the information requested by new member 'poho1579'.

As you can see from my post in the thread, I suggested that, if poho1579 thought the information provided has value, and to me it certainly would, that he take that "value" and use it to obtain for himself an NRA membership... and if not for him, then a young person interested in shooting.

What do you think of this idea? Good? Bad? Over stepped my bounds? Who cares? Shut up Creeper and leave me alone... you idiot? All comments are welcome.



New member
Lots of people have issues with the NRA over this or that statement or action ...

For me, a member for more than 20 years, the bottom line is this: the NRA represents 4,000,000+ members and defends their rights under the 2A. Gun owners who are not members are basically freeloaders, accruing benefits without helping pay for the work that goes into defending them ... the more members the NRA has, the less likely that politicians will decide that gutting the 2A is a great way to get ahead at work ... we want them to know that attacking the 2A is a perfect way to get sent back (to Chicago!!) and into another line of work ...

Even if you hate the NRA, hiking their membership rolls for $25 or $35 a year seems like cheap insurance to me and anything that gets people to join is a plus ... my wife's not a gunner and has no interest in firearms, but I pay for her membership every year anyhow, for just that reason ...

Creeper's right, I didn't answer his question. I think any method which offers the prospective member a good reason to join is a good idea ... try it and see what happens ...
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New member
Hi ya Bill...

I applaud your view and will wholeheartedly agree... but I was more interested in your opinion of my intended method to obtain new members... and in particular, bolstering awareness for bringing new blood into the NRA.

Thanks for sharing your views though. :D



New member
Gun owners who are not members are basically freeloaders, accruing benefits without helping pay for the work that goes into defending them

I cant really agree on that. I am not a member but I donate.


New member
If asked by a new shooter what I think they should get/do next, I always answer join the NRA or GOA or SAF.

I am constantly nagging my shooting buddies to keep their memberships current and to actually participate. It's not really enoough just to mail in your $35 every year. You have to at least try to keep up on the major issues and contact legislators when the need arrises.

So, in short. Yes, Creeper, I applaud any shooter who does what he/she can to promote any gun rights organization.