Inexpensive reloading?


New member
Hi everyone!
Im looking to get into reloading. Read up on it, ordered the ABC's of reloading, read it twice(about 2 months ago so ill have to read it again) Also read Lymans 5th reloading manual. I watched a bunch of videos online and have been reading up on forums for since I decided I would purchase a .308 : D The only thing is. Im on a tight budget. I dont get to go to the range allot. So I would be reloading about 50-100 tops, 150 cartridges at a time. Slow shooting from a savage bolt action. Ill be reloading to
*Save money
*Get my foot in the door so when i'm older and have enough money/time to really purchase some quality presses and shoot as much as I wish(Well this will never happen but when I can shoot more : D) I will have already had some past experiance in the field.
*Be at the range while not at the range, I love the sport of shooting. Even when I cant drive to the range, dry firing or training are still very entertaining for me.
Lets cut to the chase......
Do you have any recomendations for a
*Reloading press
*Recipe book
*set of dies
*Trimmer deburrer
*Website for purchasing reloading ingredients
*Powder measurer

Anything I missed?
I appreciate any help or tips!
Thanks so much fellas!
P.S. Im currently in culinary school(Im going into the coast guard for aviation no need for lectures on how much the F+B industry sucks internships in ACs casinos has taught me that) So I appoogize for the food lingo like "recipe" or "ingredient" : D


New member
So I appoogize for the food lingo like "recipe" or "ingredient" : D
No need to, as that is what they are.
I buy off E-bay, others here hate it. But it works,
Try sportsman's, or midway, of cabalas, They all have starter kits.
I started out on Lee hand loading kits 35+ years ago. I still pull out one of them and give them a go from time to time.
Good luck!
Your list is good and long for starters.


New member

THEY HAVE KITS! Sweet thats awesome news!
Any reccomendations for some recipe books. This is for .308 win. and MAYBE I mean maybe a little .223 remington.


The Lyman #48 is a good manual.

My first recommendation is buy the book: ABC's of Reloading. Read it cover to cover. Twice. Then go buy equipment.


New member
I can recommend the Lee Anniversary Kit, especially now that it comes with their new breech lock Challenger press. I've been reloading now for about a year, and I still use everything in the kit, and it all still does what I need. It's an inexpensive way to get into reloading so you can decide if you want to move beyond a single-stage press at some point. It's well made and will likely outlast you. For under a $100, you can't beat it.


New member
I have one of these, and I love it: Much faster than most single stage presses. If all the pieces are there, it has a good priming station on the press; much better than the universal primer arm on a "C" style press that I bought.

The digital calipers at Harbor Freight are remarkably good (the battery that comes with them doesn't last very long, nor the spare that comes with it, but a real battery seems to last just fine.)

Lee dies are very good, and half the price of other brands. Their case trimmer is also good if you chuck it in a cordless drill.

You'll probably want to buy your powder and primers locally, even though they'll be overpriced. Keep your local dealer in business, and you avoid hazmat shipping charges. When you are ready to buy 8 pounds or more of powder at once and/or 5000 primers, check out


New member
That lee 50th addition kit sounds great

I think ill go with that, and some lee carbide dies, a few trays, caliper, tumbler, and a 48th lyman manual and call it a day. Thanks guys!


New member
I bought from a guy on craigslist. Got everything I needed for 170 bucks!! It was fate because it came with the dies I was going to reload also. Check there for sure!! Let me know what you find


New member
Get a Lee Loader

Get a Lee Classic Reloader from Midway for less than $20.
You can upgrade from there.
I have, and don't doubt I can still load a round in 60 seconds with a Lee Loader. It will shoot more accurately than a round loaded with the most expensive dies made, that full length sizes the case.
This is an unfair trick that I used in my younger days. Shooters would come to my range in the back of the farm. Mostly hunters in the fall to sight in. Usually 30/30 an 30/06 so I'd be sure to have my Lee Loaders and suitable componants. I would load their factory empties and shoot them in their guns. My group was alway better. The reason was simple. The used cases fit the chamber perfect and the reduced charge is more accurate because the gun is under less stress and barrel vibration is less.
I also was a better shot than the average hunter who used the same box of ammunition for several years.
I don't reccomend using ammunition for hunting that has not been full length sized and a firm crimp. The Lee Loader will not do that.
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